Now I want to extract only the strings "25/12/2018,01:45:30,20.5,23.6"
Please note that the string length will be different every time we retrieve the data ( will be increasing with logging the data).
Database screenshot attached.
It is just an example with the values same but will be different in deployment. I am totally new to this sort of database . The values in bold which I presume are keys are generated by firebase database whenever I append new data.
Dim parser As JSONParser
Dim root As Map = parser.NextObject
Dim FirstValue As String = root.Get("-LUcr0GnxrvSURfSq9HJ")
'all values
For Each Key As String in root.Keys
Log($"${Key}: ${root.Get(Key)}"$)
The code works great. Erel, you solved my biggest issue. Thanks.
One question though: Is there any limit on the size of data received with httpOkUtils2 method?