I'm trying to get my 5year old b4a project into the actual IDE (Version 10).
I got it running on a tablet connected via the B4A Bridge again, however I'm recieving Errors which I can't understand:
The line highlighted is line 50 in the complete class!
Why this error at this line? The app is seemingly (correct english word?) working as expected, so why this error at all? Before you ask, the file in question ("kreuz1" or Cross Ace ) is showing correctly in the app.
I got it running on a tablet connected via the B4A Bridge again, however I'm recieving Errors which I can't understand:
Error occurred on line: 50 (clKarte)
java.io.FileNotFoundException: /data/data/Opus.Patience/files/virtual_assets/kreuz1: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
Code from clKarte:
Public Sub Initialize(i As Int)
Dim k As Int 'KartenWert-Counter
Dim l As Int 'KartenSymbol-Counter
Dim m As Int 'KartenSet-Counter
Dim BitmapDrawable1 As BitmapDrawable
'Hier wird eine Karte erstellt.
'Anhand der übergebenen Zahl wird Kartenwert, das Symbol und Rücken gesetzt.
k=i Mod 13 'k imer 1 bis 13, also der Kartenwert!
l=i/13 'l immer 1 bis 4, ergibt das Symbol
If l>=4 Then
End If
If i>=52 Then 'sind die ersten 52 Karten gemacht (4*13), wird von vorne angefangen
m=1 'm sagt ob erstes Kartenblatt oder zweites!
End If
If l<2 Then
End If
BitmapDrawable1=Main.MyResources.GetApplicationDrawable("rueck" & (m+1))
Dim temp As String 'enthält den Namen der Bilddatei!
Select mSymbol
Case Allgemeines.Symbol.Kreuz
temp = Allgemeines.constKreuz
Case Allgemeines.Symbol.Karo
temp = Allgemeines.constKaro
Case Allgemeines.Symbol.Herz
temp = Allgemeines.constHerz
Case Allgemeines.Symbol.Pik
temp = Allgemeines.constPik
End Select
If mWert <= 10 Then
temp =temp & mWert
Select mWert
Case Allgemeines.kartenWert.Bube
temp = temp & Allgemeines.constBube
Case Allgemeines.kartenWert.Dame
temp = temp & Allgemeines.constDame
Case Allgemeines.kartenWert.Koenig
temp =temp & Allgemeines.constKoenig
End Select
End If
'Hier wird die Größe der Kartenbilder gesetzt, XXXXX
mWidth = 80
mHeight = 112
End Sub
Why this error at this line? The app is seemingly (correct english word?) working as expected, so why this error at all? Before you ask, the file in question ("kreuz1" or Cross Ace ) is showing correctly in the app.