Wish [SOLVED] Highlighted Quick Search Windows


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When I search for a keyword, the result in Quick Search Windows mostly showed many lines.

Wish that the line that clicked in Quick Search Windows became highlighted so I will know the last line already checked.



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Not that one.

See attachment.

The line in Quick Search Windows not highlighted after clicked, it make difficult to keep track which one already clicked.


  • Search.jpg
    202 KB · Views: 262


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Now that you mentioned it, I checked again, and you were right, it was there.

I set the monitor brightness to low, this line is barely visible from about 50cm.

I hope you can the color of the line into something more contrast like red/yellow/green, thanks.


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B4X founder
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(wrote it while Sandman posted)
You can change it yourself:

Note that it will also change the "current line" color in the code editor.

Make a copy of the theme you like and add:
<Item Name="Current Line" Foreground="0x02000000" Background="0x02000000" BoldFont="No" BorderColor="0x000000FF"/>
The BorderColor is the important attribute and the format is 0x??BBGGRR
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