B4J Question [SOLVED] How to Add Page Numbers to WordDocument Class in B4J?


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Is there a tag or a method to include page numbers in the WordDocument class? I'm looking for a way to automatically insert page numbers into my document generated using the WordDocument class in B4J. Any guidance or examples would be greatly appreciated.

    Dim wd As WordUtils

    Dim doc As WordDocument = wd.CreateDocument

            [p]this text will go to the header - PAGENUMBER? [/p]


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Here's another example using the new version (2.08) of XLUtils.
I have added a few FieldCode tags (DATE, PAGE, NUMPAGES) in the header from the WordExample from Erel:

    [p][FieldCode=DATE/]${TAB}${TAB}${TAB}${TAB}${TAB}[FieldCode=PAGE/] of [FieldCode=NUMPAGES/]${TAB}${TAB}${TAB}${TAB}${TAB}${TAB}[img dir=assets filename=logo.png width=30 height=30/][/p]
    [p][img dir=assets filename="blue_line.png" width=470 height=2/][/p]
The blue line image serves as a bottom border in a second paragraph of the header.
In the footer the blue line appears closer and is in the same paragraph:

    [p][img dir=assets filename="blue_line.png" width=470 height=2/]Generated automatically...${TAB}${TAB}${TAB}${TAB}${TAB}${TAB}${TAB}${TAB}${TAB}[FieldCode=PAGE/] of [FieldCode=NUMPAGES/][/p]
TABs are used to position the code texts in the paragraph.
Tip: make sure to put the closing / in the FieldCode tags.
With the underline tag the contents of the fields are not underlined.
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