[SOLVED] See B4R Library
This might be a trival question, but could not find a solution on how to return a Double from an Event in a CPP lib (named rHCSR04e).
Build a solution using an Array, but not sure if thats is the right way, i.e.
Private Sub DistanceChanged(Data() As Double)
Private Sub DistanceChanged(Distance As Double)
<-- Seeking for this solution
B4R Example using Array
Sub Process_Globals
Public Serial1 As Serial
Public DistanceSensor As HCSR04e
Private TriggerPinNr As Byte = 13
Private EchoPinNr As Byte = 12
Private DISTANCECHANGEDBY As Double = 2.0
End Sub
Private Sub AppStart
DistanceSensor.Initialize("DistanceChanged", DISTANCECHANGEDBY, TriggerPinNr, EchoPinNr)
End Sub
' Handle distance changes >= DISTANCECHANGEDBY value
Private Sub DistanceChanged(Data() As Double)
Dim l As Double = Data(0)
Log("DistanceChanged Data: ", l)
End Sub
CPP Lib Snippets h and cpp
Thinking about instead
typedef void (*SubByteArray)(Array* darray) ;
typedef void (*SubDouble)(Double* ddouble) ;
<-- Is this possible?
Code using Array
namespace B4R{
//~shortname: HCSR04e
typedef void (*SubByteArray)(Array* darray) ;
class B4RHCSR04{
SubByteArray DistanceChangedSub;
void Initialize(SubByteArray DistanceChangedSub, double DistanceChangedBy, Byte TriggerPin, Byte EchoPin);
const UInt cp = B4R::StackMemory::cp;
ArrayDouble* arr = CreateStackMemoryObject(ArrayDouble);
double dat[1];
dat[0] = me->distanceprev;
arr->data = dat;
arr->length = 1;
B4R::StackMemory::cp = cp;