Sorry, i'm newbie and now in crisis!
I know it will be simple for you, but I do not know this language properly and how it is structured, I am not able to understand.
i'm trying to set this
hc.SetHttpParameter("http.protocol.handle-redirects", False)
in HttpUtils2Service.bas (version 7.28) and receive the warning message (as your posted thread)
Errore nella linea: 41
hc.SetHttpParameter("http.protocol.handle-redirects", False)
Word: sethttpparameter
I see the other page from Erel solution and see:
'Replace the existing method in HttpUtils2Service
Sub Initialize
If hc.IsInitialized = False Then
TempFolder = File.DirTemp
Dim jo As JavaObject = hc
Dim builder As JavaObject = jo.RunMethod("sharedInit", Array("hc"))
builder.RunMethod("retryOnConnectionFailure", Array(False))
jo.SetField("client", builder.RunMethod("build", Null))
End If
End Sub
to replace "retryOnConnectionFailure" with "followRedirects", but exactly.....where is this SUB INITIALIZE to replace? which file?
I'm really confused....sorry.
18 years of delphi programming and it looks like I'm taking the computer for the first time ????
only a suggestion, if possible, in your next update insert a call like Job1.followredirect = (boolean), is more simple to manage webpages and cookies and we can choose if follow redirect or not.