Hi guys...
So , I'm trying a few things to figure out what will suite me best for my needs, and I started trying to create a Launcher App...
I read a lot of thread, all pointing to the same manifest entries and I added them to my test app (which at this point is the default demo project).
I deployed the app in release mode, and ... started the app, closed the app... hitted the home button, and.... nothing.
From all I read, when I hitted the home button, I should have been prompted with a choice to determine the launcher app to use as default.
But not... So, I cannot test if a launcher app will be a good solution for me.
Please, any simple example of a Launcher app? the available demo from EREL is mainly about a Kiosk app, which will not suite my needs, and stipping it would most probably bring me to this point..