Android Question [SOLVED] I need help creating a Launcher app!!!


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Longtime User
Hi guys...

So , I'm trying a few things to figure out what will suite me best for my needs, and I started trying to create a Launcher App...
I read a lot of thread, all pointing to the same manifest entries and I added them to my test app (which at this point is the default demo project).
I deployed the app in release mode, and ... started the app, closed the app... hitted the home button, and.... nothing.
From all I read, when I hitted the home button, I should have been prompted with a choice to determine the launcher app to use as default.
But not... So, I cannot test if a launcher app will be a good solution for me.

Please, any simple example of a Launcher app? the available demo from EREL is mainly about a Kiosk app, which will not suite my needs, and stipping it would most probably bring me to this point..


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Longtime User
I'm frying my brain at this.... Either I don't understand what a launcher is or how it works, or I simply can't make it work on my Huawey T5 tablet...
according to what I've read so far, the addional manifest code is all that is needed to "replace" the default launcher, but I just can't get it to behave as described in the several threads I've read!

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Licensed User
Longtime User
I Googled a bit and found out that in some HUAWEY devices the user is not prompt to change the default aplication(s), and this change must be done by the user by going into the Aplication settings.
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