B4J Question [SOLVED] is it possible to hide the form's icon?


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hi guys

I guess the title says it all!?


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Longtime User
That's what I did, but under win10 at least, it still shows a default icon and setting the form's title like MyForm.title = "" has no effect. In order to make the title look empty, I have to do it with Title = " ".
I have also tried a completely transparent image as icon, but the alpha is changed into black.
I will try an image with a single pixel set to a light color just to see if it works that way.
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So, just to put this discussion to closure, I managed to get a clean Form's Title bar with no icon and no title by doing the following:
MyForm.Title = "" does not work, and still assumes the designer created title or default one so the solution is to give it a space, MyForm.Title = " "
in order to not show an icon in the title bar, I cheated, and created a 32x32 pixel png, with only one pixel set to a light color, on a transparent background.
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A bit late answer but anyway, MainForm.SetFormStyle("UNDECORATED") removes the title bar on top of the window. The various form alternatives shows up when you type SetFormStyle(... hope this is of help for anyone who's working in B4J. It's awesome, what I did at Chalmers software engineering university in Java for 3 month I can do in a week with B4J. That's a total gamechanger. Java is HOT because of Anywhere software :)
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