Android Question SOLVED java.lang.NullPointerException: null receiver


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java.lang.NullPointerException: null receiver
hello I'm going crazy to find what is the error that generates this problem.
Does anyone know a trick to identify exactly which record generates the error? because I can not locate it

the error is generated in line 337 but the problem is not really there

This error is being generated when inserting a record in customlistview.

Sub CLV_VisibleRangeChanged (firstIndex As Int, LastIndex As Int)

    Dim ExtraSize As Int = 10
    For i = Max(0, firstIndex - ExtraSize) To Min(LastIndex + ExtraSize, CLV.Size - 1)
        Dim p As B4XView = CLV.GetPanel(i)

        If i > firstIndex - ExtraSize And i < LastIndex + ExtraSize Then
            If p.NumberOfViews = 0 Then
                Dim mapa_mensaje1 As Map
                mapa_mensaje1= CLV.GetValue(i)
                ' insertar la fecha
                DateTime.DateFormat ="dd/MM/yyyy"
                If DateTime.Date(DateTime.Now) <> DateTime.Date( mapa_mensaje1.Get("date")) Then
                    Dim fecha As Label
                    fecha.Typeface = Typeface.SANS_SERIF
                    fecha.Text = DateTime.Date(mapa_mensaje1.Get("date"))
                    fecha.TextSize = 14
                    fecha.TextColor = Colors.Black
                    fecha.Textsize = fecha.TextSize/access.GetUserFontScale
                    fecha.Color = Colors.ARGB(180,25,208,35)
                    fecha.Gravity = Gravity.CENTER
                    Dim cd As ColorDrawable
                    cd.Initialize2(Colors.ARGB(100,230,230,230), 5dip, 2dip, Colors.ARGB(100,230,230,230))
                    fecha.Background = cd
                    top_fecha = 4.5%y
                top_fecha = 0%y
                End If

                If  clv_map.Get("prefijo_origen") = mapa_mensaje1.Get("prefijo_origen") Then
                    Label_texto.TextSize = 17
                    Label_texto.TextSize = Label_texto.TextSize/access.GetUserFontScale
                    Label_texto.SingleLine = False
                    Label_texto.Typeface = Typeface.SANS_SERIF
                    Label_texto.Color = Colors.ARGB(255,226,226,226)
                    Label_texto.Padding=Array As Int (5dip, 2dip, 5dip, 2dip)
                    Dim cd As ColorDrawable
                    cd.Initialize(Colors.ARGB(250,208,201,244)    , 10dip)
                    Label_texto.Background= cd
                        Label_texto.Text = mapa_mensaje1.Get("mensaje")
                  p.AddView(Label_texto,0.15%x,0.5%y + top_fecha,75%x,3%y)
                    Label_texto.Height=su.MeasureMultilineTextHeight(Label_texto,Label_texto.Text) +2.5%y
                    If Tamano_TextoHorizontal(Label_texto,Label_texto.Text) < 70%x Then
                        Label_texto.Width = Tamano_TextoHorizontal(Label_texto,Label_texto.Text)+3%x
                        Label_texto.SingleLine = True
                        Label_texto.Left = 100%x-Label_texto.Width-10%x
                        Label_texto.SingleLine = False
                        Label_texto.Left = 100%x-Label_texto.Width-10%x
                    End If

                p.Color = Colors.Transparent
                p.Visible = True
        End If

            'not visible
          ' If p.NumberOfViews > 0 Then
          '     p.RemoveAllViews '<--- remove the layout
        'End If
    End If

End Sub


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Does it also happen in release mode? If so then please post the logs.

I highly recommend you to use the designer to create the item layout. It will be much simpler (and cross platform).

Hello, if in release mode the same thing happened. But it was solved in a strange way, I deleted the code and started to insert the code again and it did not generate the error. The only different thing I did was this, but I don't think it was that.

                Dim tel_origen As String = clv_map.Get("prefijo_tel_origen")

                Dim tel_origen_enviado As String =mapa_mensaje1.Get("prefijo_tel_origen")
                If  tel_origen = tel_origen_enviado Then
                end if

Regarding the use of the designer, I found that loading the customlistview is slower when inserting a layout and that is why I chose this option, is it wrong?

Thank you very much for the help
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