B4J Question [SOLVED] jGoogleMaps Google Maps Javascript SDK version to 3.56


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To solve the jGoogleMaps error, it is indicated that we must update Google Maps Javascript SDK version to 3.56.
How is it done?


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Thanks for the response, but I haven't expressed myself well. I have already updated the library to version V2.01. But I recompile the project and the error in the map is the same. My work environment is B4J v 10 (64 bit) y java jdk 19.0.2

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I just did it and the result is the same.
I only see that the jOkHttpUtils2 library is version 3.03 and there is a more current one (3.04)...

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Longtime User
Check if you have a copy of the JGoogleMaps libraries also in the internal libraries folder
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