Helle everbody;
I used Jpoi;
I generate code for rowshift for up lines
sample APACHE
I have an error like under below (no match ...)
But; 1 hour before. it was work.
I cant understant, My brain is stopded.
I used Jpoi;
I generate code for rowshift for up lines
sample APACHE
I have an error like under below (no match ...)
But; 1 hour before. it was work.
I cant understant, My brain is stopded.
Sub Process_Globals
Private fx As JFX
Private MainForm As Form
Private Kitap As PoiWorkbook
Private Sayfa As PoiSheet
Private Satir1,Satir2,Satir2 As PoiRow
End Sub
Sub AppStart (Form1 As Form, Args() As String)
MainForm = Form1
'MainForm.RootPane.LoadLayout("Layout1") 'Load the layout file.
Log (LastException)
End Try
end sub
Private Sub SatirSil( wbook As PoiWorkbook,Kaydir As Boolean) As PoiWorkbook
Dim wsheet As PoiSheet=wbook.GetSheet(0)
Dim jo As JavaObject = wsheet
Dim builder As JavaObject
jo.RunMethod("shiftRows", Array(5,6,-1)) ' this not works <<< only pozitif value works
Return wbook
End Sub
java.lang.RuntimeException: Method: shiftRows not matched.
public void shiftRows(int startRow,
int endRow,
int n)
Shifts rows between startRow and endRow n number of rows. If you use a negative number, it will shift rows up. Code ensures that rows don't wrap around. Calls shiftRows(startRow, endRow, n, false, false);
Additionally shifts merged regions that are completely defined in these rows (ie. merged 2 cells on a row to be shifted).
Specified by:
shiftRows in interface Sheet
startRow - the row to start shifting
endRow - the row to end shifting
n - the number of rows to shift
public void shiftRows(int startRow,
int endRow,
int n)
Shifts rows between startRow and endRow n number of rows. If you use a negative number, it will shift rows up. Code ensures that rows don't wrap around. Calls shiftRows(startRow, endRow, n, false, false);
Additionally shifts merged regions that are completely defined in these rows (ie. merged 2 cells on a row to be shifted).
Specified by:
shiftRows in interface Sheet
startRow - the row to start shifting
endRow - the row to end shifting
n - the number of rows to shift
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