Thank you very much oparra and emexes for the windtimer solution. Thanks really for your time
Sub WindTimer_Tick
WindFrame = (WindFrame + 1) Mod 13 '0..12 spaces before arrows'
WindLabel.Text = " ➡ ➡ ➡ ➡ ➡".SubString(12 - WindFrame)
End Sub
I got my animation solution working too, courtesy this one post by Erel(i guess he, like god, is everywhere
I know how to draw lines. What I need to do is draw a line at a specific angle, such as 30 degrees. I don't know how to calculate the line angle for the given points of x1, y1, x2, y2? Thanks...
So, I realized I made a silly mistake. I used cos/sin instead of cosD/sinD.
cos/sin gives radians, cosD/sinD gives degrees(which is what is required).
Hence, this one now works fine too: