I am trying to use the I2C expansion MCP23017 chip using the board shown below with a WeMos D1 mini.
I know that it should have 0x20 default I2C address but I tried to scan anyway just to check if the device is working. Wiring is quite simple. I am powering the device connecting the Vcc and Gnd to the respective WeMos pins (I tried both the 3.3Vdc and 5Vdc for power) and I have connected the SCL pin of the device to the D1 pin of WeMos and the SDA to D2 which I am pretty sure should be correct (I tried both pulling up SDA and SCL via 4.7Kohm to 3.3Vdc but nothing changed).
What could I be possibly doing wrong?
Anyone has experience with this board?
To scan I am using this code, but the number of devices is always 0 and the scan fails to identify the I2C address of the device
I am trying to use the I2C expansion MCP23017 chip using the board shown below with a WeMos D1 mini.
I know that it should have 0x20 default I2C address but I tried to scan anyway just to check if the device is working. Wiring is quite simple. I am powering the device connecting the Vcc and Gnd to the respective WeMos pins (I tried both the 3.3Vdc and 5Vdc for power) and I have connected the SCL pin of the device to the D1 pin of WeMos and the SDA to D2 which I am pretty sure should be correct (I tried both pulling up SDA and SCL via 4.7Kohm to 3.3Vdc but nothing changed).
What could I be possibly doing wrong?
Anyone has experience with this board?
To scan I am using this code, but the number of devices is always 0 and the scan fails to identify the I2C address of the device
#Region Project Attributes
#AutoFlushLogs: True
#CheckArrayBounds: True
#StackBufferSize: 300
#End Region
Sub Process_Globals
Public Serial1 As Serial
Public Wire As WireMaster
Private wireerror As Byte = 0
Private deviceaddress As Byte
End Sub
Private Sub AppStart
Dim ii As Int
For ii = 0 To 10
'Try 10 times
End Sub
Private Sub Scanning
Private bc As ByteConverter
Dim b(1) As Byte
Dim devices As Int
Log("Scanning started...")
devices = 0
For i = 0 To 127
deviceaddress = i
RunNative("icwirebegintransmisson", deviceaddress)
RunNative("icwireendtransmisson", Null)
b(0) = deviceaddress
If wireerror = 0 Then
Log("I2C device found at address: 0x", bc.HexFromBytes(b), " (", deviceaddress, ")")
devices = devices + 1
End If
If wireerror = 4 Then
Log("I2C device unknown at address: 0x", bc.HexFromBytes(b), " (", deviceaddress, ")")
End If
If (devices = 0) Then
Log("No I2C devices.")
End If
Log("Scanning completed.")
End Sub
#if C
#include <Wire.h>
void icwirebegintransmisson (B4R::Object* o) {
void icwireendtransmisson (B4R::Object* o) {
b4r_main::_wireerror = Wire.endTransmission();
#End if
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