I have an html file I am trying to parse that has multiple division lines that are the same
<div class="pageSection bowlersSection"></div>
I tried to use
Dim xRoot As HtmlNode = mHtmlParser.Parse(LeaguePals_Data)
Dim BowlerList As List = mHtmlParser.FindDirectNodes(xRoot, "div", mHtmlParser.CreateHtmlAttribute("class", "pageSection bowlersSection"))
But always get a empty list and I know that there are at least 3 of this divisions in the file.
What is the proper way to use FindDirectNodes for something like this
NOTE: if I use FindNode I only get the first occurrence of this division and can't figure out how to get the others
Dim BowlerList As HtmlNode = mHtmlParser.FindNode(xRoot, "div", mHtmlParser.CreateHtmlAttribute("class", "pageSection bowlersSection"))