I have a sqlite db with multiple tables, I am not sure why but I no matter what I do, I can not read from all the tables in my DB, I have searched in sqlite documentation and saw some examples which are not different than what I have, but for some reason it fails, when I try the code below it returns an error:
Sub subGroupRetrieve()
Starter.myCUR = Starter.mySQL.ExecQuery("SELECT distinct topicsplit.groupname FROM topicsplit")
For i= 0 To Starter.myCUR.RowCount - 1
Starter.myCUR.Position = i
end sub
Error in log:
android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: no such table: topicsplit (code 1 SQLITE_ERROR[1]): , while compiling: SELECT distinct topicsplit.groupname FROM topicsplit
There is topicsplit as you can see from the compressed sample attached.
@mc73@klaus thank you so much for confirming that it is working for you!! Appreciate your help! I have been scratching my head for a very long time thinking I was doing something wrong!
I am sorry I didn't get the part of dir.internal I think you mean to remove the app on the mobile which will remove the db file right? If no then can you explain more to learn from this.
It worked!!, I really appreciate your help on this and the time you have spent to help me out! thank you so much!
Just to understand, the File.DirInternal is the directory that is created with the application, and it it is specific for the app running, so removing the app and reinstall it (through the B4A Bridge / Debug mode) in my assumption deletes the directory, or this is an incorrect assumption?
It worked!!, I really appreciate your help on this and the time you have spent to help me out! thank you so much!
Just to understand, the File.DirInternal is the directory that is created with the application, and it it is specific for the app running, so removing the app and reinstall it (through the B4A Bridge / Debug mode) in my assumption deletes the directory, or this is an incorrect assumption?
If you are just rebuilding the app & running it in debug mode, then no - the app is not removed, nor is Dir.Internal. If you actually uninstall the app, then compile, install & run it, then Dir.Internal will be removed with the uninstall & recreated with the new install.
If you are just rebuilding the app & running it in debug mode, then no - the app is not removed, nor is Dir.Internal. If you actually uninstall the app, then compile, install & run it, then Dir.Internal will be removed with the uninstall & recreated with the new install.
Perfect! now I understand the cause of this thank you for your help! it is really great to have awesome people that tends to help, without this invaluable forum I could have struggled in so many ways