Android Question [Solved]My First time for Creating XUI CustomView


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I'm studying how to do creating XUI CustomView,I have read Klaus' tutorial,but I don't get understand ,so I would like someone do as my example.


    11.1 KB · Views: 44


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What do you want to do?
Create a new kind of customlistview or add the qrcode to the customlistview?

1 - I checked your code and if you want to put a qrcode in a customlistview, do you need to create a layout, load the qrcode in it and load the layout in the customlistview.
There are a huge amount of examples using customlistview in the forum.

2 - put the link to the libraries that you use in the example, to make it easier to help you:
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I need to learn how create xui CustomView (my code about promptpay has been corrected, but I would love to be easy for use again and again), I think If I have infrastructure libraries For Thai developers , Perhaps theywill be interested in B4X instead of Flutters.(I need to create a suitable environment for Thai developers.)
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OK. Is Custom View and not CustomListView.
I understand wrong. Sorry.

AwesomeQRCode is a custom view.
Maybe you need to change the approach to use it, instead to create another custom view from this view.

And could be start here:
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I can't read English very well, so I apologize if Google Translate is wrong. I tried to experiment with creating a simple CustomView first to understand how to create it. Try to study the libraries of many specialists, but since their libraries is too complex to understand. In Thailand, mobile banking is preferred rather than using credit/debit cards. I think this kind of library should be there. The main purpose is to facilitate new developers. No need to re-develop
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I have read Klaus' tutorial,but I don't get understand
If you don't understand. Read it again.
If still don't understand. Read it once more.
Then start follow the steps by doing practical, like the saying "make your hand dirty" or do the programming.
You won't learn by just reading without doing.
If you failed first time, it is normal.
Failed second time, it is still normal.
Not everyone success at first time. Some people took 10 or 100 times to success.
When you haven't learn to walk, do it by crawling, Don't jump or run.
Make small changes and experiments.
Isn't this is basic of learning?
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I still have tried myself., but I don't getunderstand myself.I had print out via papers the expert's code for studying.
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Licensed User
Longtime User
I still have tried myself., but I don't getunderstand myself.I had print out via papers the expert's code for studying.
It is not easy to create a B4A library if you are not familiar with Java and the topic you are targeting, in this case the QR code.
Have you created any library in B4Xlib format?
Try create one which depends on another library.
Once you have mastered the skill of developing simple libraries then only go for more complex library.
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I found the problem john's library supported only B4A,so I must study other library instead before. My sourcecode used to test passed about promptpay already.
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Licensed User
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I found the problem john's library supported only B4A,so I must study other library instead before. My sourcecode used to test passed about promptpay already.
You also want to support B4i? As I know you don't use B4i.
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You also want to support B4i? As I know you don't use B4i.
I found Erel's code,and Mr.Kim's Bas Code which supported B4i ,but I still find how to add Image.
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I found Erel's code,and Mr.Kim's Bas Code which supported B4i ,but I still find how to add Image.
Why not you create a new question on how to add image (if you really cannot find the answer)?
Most likely there are already some answers on the forum.
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Licensed User
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Why not you create a new question on how to add image (if you really cannot find the answer)?
Most likely there are already some answers on the forum.
Erel's code have the feature for adding Image in qrcode already,but I would like to try searching others.
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Licensed User
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Erel's code have the feature for adding Image in qrcode already,but I would like to try searching others.
Why wasting your time "reinventing the wheel" ?
What feature is that example lacking of?
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Why wasting your time "reinventing the wheel" ?
What feature is that example lacking of?
The real goal is to create a QrcodePromptPay library. for Thai DevelpersevelperThe real goal is to create a QrcodePromptPay library. for Thai develpers that is facilitate them. And Istill need create Cutting Thai words in sentence in order to non-Thai can learn speak Thai language.I have just found Java code which python, jsscript each has it, but B4X has not.
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You mean the example project provided by Erel does not solve your issue?
Can you tell which part?
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Licensed User
Longtime User
You mean the example project provided by Erel does not solve your issue?
Can you tell which part?
I get understand coding slowly. I'm not good at coding and English. It's not about directly. Let me study Erel's code about B4X QRcode before.
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Refer to this I think I can do QRCodePromptPay library myself,so this thread is close. However,I have to study Xui Customview again.
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Creating a good CustomView it's not as easy as it can appear.
And your project looks quite complex.
I would suggest you to start with something much more easier to get used to the mechanism behind a CustomView.
Once you get the basic ground than you can start introducing the hard things.
I just made one easy CV so I am not so skilled about.
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Actually the answer is there when you have searched enough.
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