I am trying to understand and implement the Google Play Android Developer API in order to check though a back end if a purchase was completed successfully. I have found these pages in the Internet which describe the way you can implement it:
If I have got that right in order for the OAuth2 authentication to be implemented to manage the calls for the back end (to get the tokens), a user (Me) has to actively login in his Google account and authenticate with the corresponding web application. This leads me to the conclusion that I cannot implement it through my website's server since I have to actively login to get the tokens and it is a shared server.
Not solved at last. I choosed the REST/Http way because after seeing some examples of the Google dedicated library for .NET I was completely lost. Thus in the way I followed I was stuck in the signing of the JWT (Java Web Token) with the algorythm decribed as SHA256withRSA. No matter how much I googled it I could not find a working .NET example. Has anyone implemented it in .NET.