I am looping a posstring to put info in a online db. I got it to work finally but I can not seem to put it in the correct order in the db, which is actually important to me that it gets a correct ascending ID...
The data is in a kvs and is in a correct order. I had to put dim job2 and job initialise into the loop, otherwise it only exectuted the last poststring.... This is probably also not nice but it worked like this and I could not find here a better solution for that....
Like you see in the code, I also tried to reverse the post statements but this did not help (strange)...
I was looking for a job.execute or something but I could not find it..
my code:
Dim name As String = "Name1"
Dim Meetplaats As Int =12''= waardecheck(txtProefNum)
For i=0 To Starter.kvs.ListKeys.Size-1
'' For i=Starter.kvs.ListKeys.Size-1 To 0 Step -1
Dim job2 As HttpJob
job2.Initialize("Job2", Me)
Dim itm As Int = Starter.kvs.ListKeys.Get(i)
Dim nummer As Int = Starter.kvs.Get(itm)
Dim uren As Int = itm/360000
Dim restant As Int =itm Mod 360000
Dim minuten As Int = restant/6000
restant = restant Mod 6000
Dim seconden As Int = restant/100
Dim hondersten = restant Mod 100
Dim carn As Int = nummer
Dim past As Int = itm
Dim past1 As String = uren & ":" & minuten & ":" & seconden & "." & hondersten ''"11:11:11.23"
Dim str As String = "https://xxxx.nl/xxxx/xxxxxx.php?Name=" & name & "&Point=" & Meetplaats & "&Number=" & carn & "&PassingTime2=" & past1 & "&PassingTime=" & past
anybody a better suggestion for the script and a solution to get it into the db in the correct order?