Hi All,
I am trying to disable access to FloatLabeledEditText which is loaded to b4xDialog, but seems nothing is working to disable the field.
Can anyone let me know if I am doing something wrong, I have researched the forum and can not find a solution for this - the only thing I have found is the below which doesn't fit the purpose for me:
Dim cbJO As JavaObject = email.EditText
cbJO.RunMethod("email",Array As Object(False))
I am trying to disable access to FloatLabeledEditText which is loaded to b4xDialog, but seems nothing is working to disable the field.
enabled=false has no effect here::
private email as FloatLabeledEditText
Dim p As B4XView = xui.CreatePanel("")
p.SetLayoutAnimated(0, 0, 0, 90%x, 400dip)
email.EditText.Enabled=False 'or using email.Enabled=False both doesn't work and I can edit the field which is not the desired outcome.
Wait For (diag.ShowCustom(p, "حفظ", "", "الغاء")) Complete (Result As Int)
Can anyone let me know if I am doing something wrong, I have researched the forum and can not find a solution for this - the only thing I have found is the below which doesn't fit the purpose for me:
Dim cbJO As JavaObject = email.EditText
cbJO.RunMethod("email",Array As Object(False))