Android Question [Solved] Power bug?


Licensed User
I'm having the strangest issue. I have a Honeywell CT-60 with android 7. I'm using B4A 8.80

When my app has focus, so main activity is visible if I remove the device from power or plug it in the activity is destroyed and recreated

I've seen nothing about this in the android life cycle.

I can reproduce with an empty project no code added release mode or debug.

This seems to be causing a lot of issues in our deployment. Any help would be appreciated

Edit: Just tested with CT-60 Android 8, same issue
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Licensed User
Longtime User
Why don’t you update to the latest version of B4A? It is free.
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B4X founder
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All kinds of things can cause your activity to be recreated.
The power state shouldn't cause that. It sounds like a device bug.

Maybe it is somehow related to an external keyboard state:
Try to find the configuration change that causes it. Start with:
SetActivityAttribute(Main, android:configChanges, "keyboard|keyboardHidden")
Add more components until it will hopefully stop.
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