Android Question <SOLVED> Problem compiling...


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Hi guys, I´m getting some issue when compiling my B4A software. Yesterday I compiled my software nicelly, but today I got this message :
Parsing code.  0.09
Compiling code.  0.79
Compiling layouts code.  0.13
Generating R file.  0.76
Compiling generated Java code.  Error
B4A line: 37
If (Funcoes.DecompoeResposta(Response.GetString(\
javac 1.8.0_131
src\xcreator\com\ error: cannot access ParseException
if (((mostCurrent._funcoes._decompoeresposta(mostCurrent.activityBA,_response.GetString("UTF8"))).equals("OK"))) {
  class file for org.apache.http.ParseException not found
1 error

I already reinstaled JDK 8, and my B4A verions 3.82, please I need to compile my software.
Best regards!


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You will have updated some library, I suppose you use httputil, OkHttpUtils, or OkHttpUtils2 .. use the most up-to-date. It would be better if I showed you the line that generates this error or the whole Sub
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The error is occurring when java try to compile code generated by B4A, I´m using HTTP object to execute a PHP script in a server, but it´s even compiling... Java cannot find the object "org.apache.http.ParseException"
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Yes I know! Can you give me as a gif?
Guys thanks for your replys! I solved resintalling B4A and cleanning App cache...
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