iOS Question [Solved] Problem on IPad with Actionsheet and SelectFromPhotoLibrary


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On the new IPad Pro, the following code does not work, only on iphone-devices:

Dim Profilbild as Camera
Sub ivProfilbild_Click
    Dim ProfilbildMenu As ActionSheet
    ProfilbildMenu.Initialize("Profilbild", "", "Abbrechen", "", Array As String ("Profilbild ändern"))
    Wait For Profilbild_Click (item As String)
    Select item
        Case "Profilbild ändern"
            Profilbild.SelectFromPhotoLibrary(Sender, Profilbild.TYPE_IMAGE)
    End Select
End Sub

This code works:
Dim Profilbild as Camera
Sub ivProfilbild_Click
       Profilbild.SelectFromPhotoLibrary(Sender, Profilbild.TYPE_IMAGE)   
End Sub

I have tried to call sleep before opening the PhotoLibrary, but nothing. Why is it a problem to call SelectFromPhotoLibrary on an iPad out of an ActionSheet?

Thanks for help...


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I did not mentioned, that I have to point it to a view. With Profilbild.SelectFromPhotoLibrary(imageview, Profilbild.TYPE_IMAGE), it works...
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