Android Question [SOLVED]Problem when subtracting 2 numbers.


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I have 2 labels lblTotal and lblSub.

Currently both labels always have a double value.
When I want to subtract the value of lblTot from lblSub it gives me an "invalid Double" error " I've tried sever ways but always crash the app with that exception
Sub Substract it executes itself by clicking a button

I've tired:

Sub Substract

Private SrTot, SrSub As double
Private Result as Double
SrTot = Abs(lblTotal.text) '<crash
SrSub = Abs(lblsub.text)
Result = SrTot - SrSub

Log("Resultado : " &Result)
end Sub

java.lang.NumberFormatException: Invalid double: "2114,19"

Then I've tried:

Private SrTot, SrSub As String

Private Result as Double
SrTot = Abs(lblTotal.text) '<< crash
SrSub = Abs(lblsub.text)
Result = SrTot - SrSub

Log("Resultado : " &Result)
end Sub

java.lang.NumberFormatException: Invalid double: "2114,19"

Then with Format

Sub Substract
    Private SrTot, SrSub As String
    Private Result As Double
    SrTot = format(lblTotalPagar.text)'<<crash
    SrSub = format(lblTotalFactura.text)
    Result = SrTot - SrSub

    Log("Resultado : " &SrSub)
End Sub

Public Sub format(d As Double) As String
    Dim s As String = NumberFormat2(d, 2, 2, 2, False)
    Return s.Replace(".", ",")
End Sub

java.lang.NumberFormatException: Invalid double: "2114,19"

I've also tried with round and round2 but always it's the same exception. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.


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SrSub = lblTotalFactura.text.replace(",",".")
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