I want to save a bitmap (create from a panel) in WEBP format and a size of 512x512 (OK), but don't works.
So, I tried with differents formats and has problems in others formats, except JPEG.
This is my code and my project is in attached.
This is the problems:
- JPG : OK
- PNG : cut the image / size 512x512 OK
(couldn't attach in the post)
- WEBP : cut the image / size 512x512 OK / don't open in the computer (GIMP)
- WEBP (converted from a PNG image) : cut the image / size 512x512 OK / don't open in the computer (GIMP)
(couldn't attach in the post = zip file)
Project in attached too.
I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
Thanks in advance for any tip.