Android Question [SOLVED] Problems with a given package name


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This is very strange and I have to bring bad because I can not find the solution to the problem.
Why if I use the package name sancrisapp.desof I get that error that shows the capture and if I put any other package name example sancrisapp.desof.demo works correctly



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I can't find a comprehensive definition for the package name, but it would normally be expected to contain at least 3 elements. It is normal to use a reversed internet domain as a prefix, so it would normally be com.yourcompanyname.appname or similar. I can't tell you why it's failing in your example, but it's probably worth sticking to the 'normal' implementation. Perhaps someone has a proper definition, or can explain why this is happening.

It's probably something to do with the structure of the files in the package which is based on the package name.
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Indeed friend was that !!!!!!!!
Thank you very much I was breaking my head!
I have another application (main) that has the same package name because I have to work with a small portion of it and then I integrate it to the final project.
And the example I was working on had version 1 and should have been in 6 and andubo correct.
I went to the main application and it does not work with the same version and even a higher one, it arrives here (ID_Drawable = r.GetStaticField (package & ".R $ drawable", ImageName)) and closes.
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which has only two elements. I don't think that is the problem.

Quite right, I didn't expect that to be the problem. Just pointing out the 'standard'.
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I still have problems when I try to run the general application I get this error

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