I use the AndroidResources Library to supply the app with different resources.
I'm using the following to asign a bitmap-variable with a graphic resource
Dim mBitmap as Bitmap
Dim BitmapDrawable1 As BitmapDrawable
I can't find solution to assign "mBitmap" with the Resource-Bitmap without initially assigning it a Bitmap from a different file. Is there a better solution?
Thanks for the reply, however without this line I get an error message stating the object (the Bitmap-var??) has to be initialized. The whole code is within an Initialize Routine for a custom object, "mBitmap" being one of the objects properties.
EDIT: Me stupid, it works without this line. Thanks Erel, I was trying it that way (I was thinking) for the last two days, it didn't work. Conclusion: Me.Stupid!