Android Question [SOLVED] Reflection - NoSuchMethodException: remapCoordinateSystem


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I'm trying to work out how to get the compass direction of the device Z axis (aka "camera axis" etc).

I am trying to emulate the logic of:

Sub compass_Z(compass_X() As Float) As Float()
    Private wrk1Matrix(9), wrk2Matrix(9), result(3) As Float
    wrk1Matrix = getRotationMatrixFromOrientation(compass_X)
    Private SM_AXIS_X, SM_AXIS_Z As Int
    SM_AXIS_X = reflect.GetStaticField("android.hardware.SensorManager", "AXIS_X")
    SM_AXIS_Z = reflect.GetStaticField("android.hardware.SensorManager", "AXIS_Z")

    reflect.RunStaticMethod("android.hardware.SensorManager", "remapCoordinateSystem", Array As Object(wrk1Matrix, SM_AXIS_X, SM_AXIS_Z, wrk2Matrix), Array As String("[F", "[I", "[I", "[F"))
    reflect.RunStaticMethod("android.hardware.SensorManager","getOrientation", Array As Object(wrk2Matrix, result), Array As String("[F", "[F"))

    Return result

End Sub
which is dying with:
main_compass_z (java line: 653)
java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: remapCoordinateSystem [class [F, class [I, class [I, class [F]
    at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredMethod(
    at anywheresoftware.b4a.agraham.reflection.Reflection.RunStaticMethod(
    at b4a.example.main._compass_z(
    at b4a.example.main._calculatefusedorientationtask_tick(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at anywheresoftware.b4a.BA.raiseEvent2(
    at anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.Timer$
    at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(
    at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
    at android.os.Looper.loop(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
at the statement:

reflect.RunStaticMethod("android.hardware.SensorManager", "remapCoordinateSystem", Array As Object(wrk1Matrix, SM_AXIS_X, SM_AXIS_Z, wrk2Matrix), Array As String("[F", "[I", "[I", "[F"))

I have used reflect.RunStaticMethod("android.hardware.SensorManager",... elsewhere without problems and I know remapCoordinateSystem is a valid method in android.hardware.SensorManager

So I'm guessing the types array Array As String("[F","[I","[I","[F") is the problem - but what? - I have run out of ideas.

Any help appreciated...


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Another example of why it would be nice to be able to delete a thread.

If I change:

reflect.RunStaticMethod("android.hardware.SensorManager", "remapCoordinateSystem", Array As Object(wrk1Matrix, SM_AXIS_X, SM_AXIS_Z, wrk2Matrix), Array As String("[F", "[I", "[I", "[F"))


reflect.RunStaticMethod("android.hardware.SensorManager", "remapCoordinateSystem", Array As Object(wrk1Matrix, SM_AXIS_X, SM_AXIS_Z, wrk2Matrix), Array As String("[F", "I", "I", "[F")) - i.e. [I => I


reflect.RunStaticMethod("android.hardware.SensorManager", "remapCoordinateSystem", Array As Object(wrk1Matrix, SM_AXIS_X, SM_AXIS_Z, wrk2Matrix), Array As String("[F", "", "", "[F")) - i.e. [I => (and it is int NOT Int)

then it works - and all of this would have been fairly obvious if I had RTFM'd:

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Just when I got Reflection sorted - now I'll have a go at JavaObject!

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Martin Larsen

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@JackKirk Sorry for bumping in on this old thread, but could you also share your code for getRotationMatrixFromOrientation? I am trying to accomplish the same.
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6 years - this was out of a hobby project I was working on at the time (Compleat Pocket Surveyor) that I never got round to publishing because I got involved in a real major project.

I looked through that project for "getRotationMatrixFromOrientation" and found this B4A translation of it:

'This procedure gets a rotation matrix from an orientation array
'Input parameters are:
'       Orient = orientation array of 3 values (x, y, z)
'       Rotation matrix
'Notes on this procedure:
'       o None
Private Sub SFE_Rotation_From_Orientation(Orient() As Float) As Float()
    Private xM(9), yM(9), zM(9), result(9) As Float
    Private sinX, cosX, sinY, cosY, sinZ, cosZ As Float
    sinX = Sin(Orient(1))
    cosX = Cos(Orient(1))
    sinY = Sin(Orient(2))
    cosY = Cos(Orient(2))
    sinZ = Sin(Orient(0))
    cosZ = Cos(Orient(0))
    'Create rotation matrix about x-axis (pitch)
    xM(0) = 1: xM(1) = 0: xM(2) = 0
    xM(3) = 0: xM(4) = cosX: xM(5) = sinX
    xM(6) = 0: xM(7) = -sinX: xM(8) = cosX
    'Create rotation matrix about y-axis (roll)
    yM(0) = cosY: yM(1) = 0: yM(2) = sinY
    yM(3) = 0: yM(4) = 1: yM(5) = 0
    yM(6) = -sinY: yM(7) = 0: yM(8) = cosY
    'Create rotation matrix about z-axis (azimuth)
    zM(0) = cosZ: zM(1) = sinZ: zM(2) = 0
    zM(3) = -sinZ: zM(4) = cosZ: zM(5) = 0
    zM(6) = 0: zM(7) = 0: zM(8) = 1
    'Multiply rotation matrices together, order is y, x, z (roll, pitch, azimuth)
    result = SFE_Matrix_Multiplication(xM, yM)
    result = SFE_Matrix_Multiplication(zM, result)
    Return result
End Sub

Good luck - it would be no point in asking me any questions about it because it is all ancient history to me.
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