Dear Friends,
I am trying an experiment with RFID reader MFRC522 library with WEMos mini as follows:
1.I have a Mifare 1K card with some amount of credit money stored on it say Rs.10000 at sector 12
2. I am writing a code to detect the card, read the credit and send it to serial terminal
3. The serial terminal ( here B4J serial connector ) sends back the amount to be deducted from credit back to the wemos
4. The received amount has to be deducted from credit and the new balance has to be written back to sector 12
The reading of credit is OK, the deduct amount reaches the Wemos and the new balance is correctly computed. The problem starts when this new amount has to be written back to sector 12. As required I use authenticate again before write, but it returns authentication failure and does not complete the write.
Since I an very new to RFID cards , I am unable to debug it. Can any of you guys point out whats going on?
My code is as follows:
I am trying an experiment with RFID reader MFRC522 library with WEMos mini as follows:
1.I have a Mifare 1K card with some amount of credit money stored on it say Rs.10000 at sector 12
2. I am writing a code to detect the card, read the credit and send it to serial terminal
3. The serial terminal ( here B4J serial connector ) sends back the amount to be deducted from credit back to the wemos
4. The received amount has to be deducted from credit and the new balance has to be written back to sector 12
The reading of credit is OK, the deduct amount reaches the Wemos and the new balance is correctly computed. The problem starts when this new amount has to be written back to sector 12. As required I use authenticate again before write, but it returns authentication failure and does not complete the write.
Since I an very new to RFID cards , I am unable to debug it. Can any of you guys point out whats going on?
My code is as follows:
Sub Process_Globals
Public Serial1 As Serial
Private rfid As MFRC522
Private bc As ByteConverter
Dim d1 As D1Pins
Dim credit,deduct As Double
Dim authenticated As Boolean
Dim astream As AsyncStreams
End Sub
Private Sub AppStart
rfid.Initialize(d1.D3, d1.D4, "rfid_CardPresent")
astream.Initialize(Serial1.Stream, "astream_newdata", Null)
End Sub
Sub rfid_CardPresent (UID() As Byte, CardType As Byte)
Log("UID: ", bc.HexFromBytes(UID))
Log("Type: ", CardType, ", Is it Mifare: ", rfid.IsMifare)
Dim txt As String
If rfid.IsMifare Then
Log("Failed to read")
End If
End Sub
Sub card_read(sector As Int) As String
Dim msg As String
Dim buffer(18) As Byte
If rfid.MifareRead(sector, buffer) > 0 Then
Dim read_buffer(7) As Byte
For i=0 To 6
End If
Return msg
End Sub
Sub card_write(sector As Int,msg As String)
Dim buffer(18) As Byte
msg=JoinStrings(Array As String(msg," "))
Log("Write:", rfid.MifareWrite(sector, buffer))
End Sub
Sub card_authenticate(sector As Int) As Boolean
If rfid.MifareAuthenticate(sector) = False Then
Log("Failed to authenticate")
End If
Return authenticated
End Sub
Sub astream_newdata (Buffer() As Byte)
Dim msg As String
End Sub
Sub amt_deduct(msg As String)
Dim new_balance As Double=credit-deduct
Dim new_balance_txt As String=new_balance
Log("New balance:",card_read(12))
End Sub