Android Question [Solved] RotatingNeedle-Example: Question to comprehend


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Licensed User
In this example, I find these lines:
wc = bmpCompass.Width * 100dip / 100
hc = bmpCompass.Height * 100dip / 100
wn = bmpNeedle.Width * 100dip / 100
hn = bmpNeedle.Height * 100dip / 100

Would there be a difference to:
wc = bmpCompass.Width * 1dip
or to
or is there a reason for this "100dip/100"


Active Member
Licensed User
I think, I found out the reason myself:
DipToCurrent (Length As Int) As Int
is the definition and I suppose, that that can be unexact in some cases, because it does not return a single or float?
Is this the reason?
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