Android Question Solved: SDK Download has no aapt.exe file


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I have upgrded to B4A 8.50. It seems that there is some advanced knowledge that I don't have. Now that I have downloaded the sdk package, I can't find the file that the debugger demands: aapt.exe. Also I don't seem to have the file "android.jar" needed by the configuration window. I'm using 64 bit windows 10. I chose jdk1.8.0_191.
Any suggestions?
My app from B4A 7.8 is the present problem. It now comes up in the 8.50 B4A window as it should.
I'm now running the SDK manager. It's installing recommended items; maybe that will help.
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That did it. Running the SDK manager where I have now installed all the recommended items solved everything apparently. For me it boils down to the fact that I didn't know to immediately run the SDK manager when I first brought up a project after upgrading the B4A. Of course running the AVD manager as I always do for the emulator would probably have sufficed as well since it often suggests downloading files.
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