Porting a program from B4a to B4j
One part of program can have changing number of textfield boxes. I use FocusChanged() to identify which textbox is active and in some cases use a spinner to allow user to only choose from a known list
I have defined a Process Variable
Private EditTxtFocus As TextField
Initialize it
Use the following to select the spinner
' Selects the edit textfield touched
Sub edtEdit_FocusChanged (HasFocus As Boolean)
If HasFocus Then
EditTxtFocus = Sender
If DBName = "RAWTERMS" Then
If EditTxtFocus.Tag = 0 Or EditTxtFocus.Tag = 4 Then ' tags assigned numerically as edtEdit textfields created on pane
spEquipment.Left = edtEdit(EditTxtFocus.Tag).Left ' places spinner near edtEdit textfield
spEquipment.Top = edtEdit(EditTxtFocus.Tag).Top
spEquipment.Visible = True
End If
End If
End Sub
Which works fine and then this to attach the spinner value to the editTxtfocus.text
Sub spEquipment_ValueChanged (Value As Object)
End Sub
This does not work the error is :
java.lang.RuntimeException: Object should first be initialized (TextField).
Can someone please explain why it is not working. The B4a version works fine