Android Question [SOLVED] Sqlite vs B4X Null-Value


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i have a sqlite database specified by a company
I cannot change this database because other programs also use it
unfortunately one field was defined as follows
    "field1"    TEXT
so I have the problem that there can be five different values in the field
  • NULL (the Sqlite-Null value)
  • "null" (a String with value "null")
  • "NULL" (a String with value "NULL")
  • "" (a empty String)
  • "Some Text" (a String)
the values "null" and "NULL" are used by other programs

unfortunately b4x-String returns "null" at Sqlite-NULL.
How can I distinguish Sqlite-NULL from "null"-String?

Alexander Stolte

Licensed User
Longtime User
How can I distinguish Sqlite-NULL from "null"-String?
IFNULL(YourColumn,'NULL') AS YourColumn
Output: "NULL" as string
Then you can at least exclude that a "db null" is returned.
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