'All variants script
n = 3: MaxSize = 120dip : MinGap = 1dip 'change here (n = number of views)
AllWidth = 100%x
n = 3
w = Min(AllWidth / n - 1dip, 240dip)
gap = (AllWidth - n * w) / n
i = 0 : Button1.SetLeftAndRight((i + 0) + i * w,(i + 1) + (i + 1) * w)
i = 0 : Button5.SetLeftAndRight((i + 0) + i * w,(i + 1) + (i + 1) * w)
i = 1 : Button2.SetLeftAndRight((i + 0) * gap + i * w,(i + 1) * gap + (i + 1) * w)
i = 1 : Button4.SetLeftAndRight((i + 0) * gap + i * w,(i + 1) * gap + (i + 1) * w)
i = 2 : Button3.SetLeftAndRight((i + 0) * gap + i * w,(i + 1) * gap + (i + 1) * w)
i = 2 : Button6.SetLeftAndRight((i + 0) * gap + i * w,(i + 1) * gap + (i + 1) * w)
i = 0 : Button1.SetLeftAndRight((i + 0) * gap + i * w,(i + 1) * gap + (i + 1) * w)
i = 0 : Button8.SetLeftAndRight((i + 0) * gap + i * w,(i + 1) * gap + (i + 1) * w)
i = 1 : Button2.SetLeftAndRight((i + 0) * gap + i * w,(i + 1) * gap + (i + 1) * w)
i = 1 : Button7.SetLeftAndRight((i + 0) * gap + i * w,(i + 1) * gap + (i + 1) * w)
i = 2 : Button3.SetLeftAndRight((i + 0) * gap + i * w,(i + 1) * gap + (i + 1) * w)
i = 2 : Button9.SetLeftAndRight((i + 0) * gap + i * w,(i + 1) * gap + (i + 1) * w)
i = 0 : Button1.SetLeftAndRight((i + 0) * gap + i * w,(i + 1) * gap + (i + 1) * w)
i = 0 : Button11.SetLeftAndRight((i + 0) * gap + i * w,(i + 1) * gap + (i + 1) * w)
i = 1 : Button2.SetLeftAndRight((i + 0) * gap + i * w,(i + 1) * gap + (i + 1) * w)
i = 1 : Button10.SetLeftAndRight((i + 0) * gap + i * w,(i + 1) * gap + (i + 1) * w)
i = 2 : Button3.SetLeftAndRight((i + 0) * gap + i * w,(i + 1) * gap + (i + 1) * w)
i = 2 : Button12.SetLeftAndRight((i + 0) * gap + i * w,(i + 1) * gap + (i + 1) * w)
i = 0 : Button1.SetLeftAndRight((i + 0) * gap + i * w,(i + 1) * gap + (i + 1) * w)
i = 0 : Button14.SetLeftAndRight((i + 0) * gap + i * w,(i + 1) * gap + (i + 1) * w)
i = 1 : Button2.SetLeftAndRight((i + 0) * gap + i * w,(i + 1) * gap + (i + 1) * w)
i = 1 : Button13.SetLeftAndRight((i + 0) * gap + i * w,(i + 1) * gap + (i + 1) * w)
i = 2 : Button3.SetLeftAndRight((i + 0) * gap + i * w,(i + 1) * gap + (i + 1) * w)
i = 2 : Button15.SetLeftAndRight((i + 0) * gap + i * w,(i + 1) * gap + (i + 1) * w)
i = 0 : Button1.SetLeftAndRight((i + 0) * gap + i * w,(i + 1) * gap + (i + 1) * w)
i = 0 : Button17.SetLeftAndRight((i + 0) * gap + i * w,(i + 1) * gap + (i + 1) * w)
i = 1 : Button2.SetLeftAndRight((i + 0) * gap + i * w,(i + 1) * gap + (i + 1) * w)
i = 1 : Button16.SetLeftAndRight((i + 0) * gap + i * w,(i + 1) * gap + (i + 1) * w)
i = 2 : Button3.SetLeftAndRight((i + 0) * gap + i * w,(i + 1) * gap + (i + 1) * w)
i = 2 : Button18.SetLeftAndRight((i + 0) * gap + i * w,(i + 1) * gap + (i + 1) * w)
i = 0 : Button1.SetLeftAndRight((i + 0) * gap + i * w,(i + 1) * gap + (i + 1) * w)
i = 0 : Button20.SetLeftAndRight((i + 0) * gap + i * w,(i + 1) * gap + (i + 1) * w)
i = 1 : Button2.SetLeftAndRight((i + 0) * gap + i * w,(i + 1) * gap + (i + 1) * w)
i = 1 : Button19.SetLeftAndRight((i + 0) * gap + i * w,(i + 1) * gap + (i + 1) * w)
i = 2 : Button3.SetLeftAndRight((i + 0) * gap + i * w,(i + 1) * gap + (i + 1) * w)
i = 2 : Button21.SetLeftAndRight((i + 0) * gap + i * w,(i + 1) * gap + (i + 1) * w)
AllHigh = 100%y
nh = 7
h = Min(AllHigh / nh - 1dip, 240dip)
gaph = (AllHigh - nh * h) / nh
i = 0 : Button1.SetTopAndBottom((i + 0) * gaph + i * h,(i + 1) * gaph + (i + 1) * h)
i = 0 : Button2.SetTopAndBottom((i + 0) * gaph + i * h,(i + 1) * gaph + (i + 1) * h)
i = 0 : Button3.SetTopAndBottom((i + 0) * gaph + i * h,(i + 1) * gaph + (i + 1) * h)
i = 1 : Button5.SetTopAndBottom((i + 0) * gaph + i * h,(i + 1) * gaph + (i + 1) * h)
i = 1 : Button4.SetTopAndBottom((i + 0) * gaph + i * h,(i + 1) * gaph + (i + 1) * h)
i = 1 : Button6.SetTopAndBottom((i + 0) * gaph + i * h,(i + 1) * gaph + (i + 1) * h)
i = 2 : Button8.SetTopAndBottom((i + 0) * gaph + i * h,(i + 1) * gaph + (i + 1) * h)
i = 2 : Button7.SetTopAndBottom((i + 0) * gaph + i * h,(i + 1) * gaph + (i + 1) * h)
i = 2 : Button9.SetTopAndBottom((i + 0) * gaph + i * h,(i + 1) * gaph + (i + 1) * h)
i = 3 : Button11.SetTopAndBottom((i + 0) * gaph + i * h,(i + 1) * gaph + (i + 1) * h)
i = 3 : Button10.SetTopAndBottom((i + 0) * gaph + i * h,(i + 1) * gaph + (i + 1) * h)
i = 3 : Button12.SetTopAndBottom((i + 0) * gaph + i * h,(i + 1) * gaph + (i + 1) * h)
i = 4 : Button14.SetTopAndBottom((i + 0) * gaph + i * h,(i + 1) * gaph + (i + 1) * h)
i = 4 : Button13.SetTopAndBottom((i + 0) * gaph + i * h,(i + 1) * gaph + (i + 1) * h)
i = 4 : Button15.SetTopAndBottom((i + 0) * gaph + i * h,(i + 1) * gaph + (i + 1) * h)
i = 5 : Button17.SetTopAndBottom((i + 0) * gaph + i * h,(i + 1) * gaph + (i + 1) * h)
i = 5 : Button16.SetTopAndBottom((i + 0) * gaph + i * h,(i + 1) * gaph + (i + 1) * h)
i = 5 : Button18.SetTopAndBottom((i + 0) * gaph + i * h,(i + 1) * gaph + (i + 1) * h)
i = 6 : Button20.SetTopAndBottom((i + 0) * gaph + i * h,(i + 1) * gaph + (i + 1) * h)
i = 6 : Button19.SetTopAndBottom((i + 0) * gaph + i * h,(i + 1) * gaph + (i + 1) * h)
i = 6 : Button21.SetTopAndBottom((i + 0) * gaph + i * h,(i + 1) * gaph + (i + 1) * h)
Button10.HorizontalCenter = 50%x
Button10.VerticalCenter = 50%y
n = 3: MaxSize = 120dip : MinGap = 5dip 'change here (n = number of views)
MaxSize = Min(MaxSize, 100%y - 10dip)
AllWidth = 100%x
w = Min(AllWidth / n - MinGap, MaxSize)
gap = (AllWidth - n * w) / n
'Only change the views names and 'i' value:
i = 0 : Button1.SetLeftAndRight((i + 0.5) * gap + i * w,(i + 0.5) * gap + (i + 1) * w)
i = 1 : Button2.SetLeftAndRight((i + 0.5) * gap + i * w,(i + 0.5) * gap + (i + 1) * w)
i = 2 : Button3.SetLeftAndRight((i + 0.5) * gap + i * w,(i + 0.5) * gap + (i + 1) * w)
Button1.SetTopAndBottom(50%y - w / 2, 50%y + w / 2)
Button2.SetTopAndBottom(50%y - w / 2, 50%y + w / 2)
Button3.SetTopAndBottom(50%y - w / 2, 50%y + w / 2)
Sub Class_Globals
Private Root As B4XView
Private xui As XUI
Private CustomListView1 As CustomListView
End Sub
Public Sub Initialize
End Sub
Private Sub B4XPage_Created (Root1 As B4XView)
Root = Root1
For i = 1 To 30
CustomListView1.Add(CreateRowOfButtons(80dip), "")
End Sub
Private Sub CreateRowOfButtons (Height As Int) As B4XView
Dim p As B4XView = xui.CreatePanel("")
p.SetLayoutAnimated(0, 0, 0, CustomListView1.AsView.Width, Height)
p.LoadLayout("Item") 'handle resize event is unchecked and AutoScaleAll deleted
Return p
End Sub
'All variants script
n = 3
gap = 0dip
Button2.Width = (100%x - ((n-1)*gap)) / 3
Button1.Width = Button2.Width
Button3.Width = Button2.Width
Button2.HorizontalCenter = 100%x / 2
Button1.Right = Button2.Left - gap
Button3.Left = Button2.Right + gap
Button2.Height = Button2.Width
Button1.Height = Button2.Height
Button3.Height = Button2.Height
Button4.Top = Button2.Bottom + gap
Button5.Top = Button4.Top
Button6.Top = Button4.Top
Button4.Width = (100%x - ((n-1)*gap)) / 3
Button5.Width = Button4.Width
Button6.Width = Button4.Width
Button4.HorizontalCenter = 100%x / 2
Button5.Right = Button4.Left - gap
Button6.Left = Button4.Right + gap
Button4.Height = Button4.Width
Button5.Height = Button4.Height
Button6.Height = Button4.Height
Button7.Top = Button4.Bottom + gap
Button8.Top = Button7.Top
Button9.Top = Button7.Top
Button7.Width = (100%x - ((n-1)*gap)) / 3
Button8.Width = Button7.Width
Button9.Width = Button7.Width
Button7.HorizontalCenter = 100%x / 2
Button8.Right = Button7.Left - gap
Button9.Left = Button7.Right + gap
Button7.Height = Button7.Width
Button8.Height = Button7.Height
Button9.Height = Button7.Height
Button10.Top = Button7.Bottom + gap
Button11.Top = Button10.Top
Button12.Top = Button10.Top
Button10.Width = (100%x - ((n-1)*gap)) / 3
Button11.Width = Button10.Width
Button12.Width = Button10.Width
Button10.HorizontalCenter = 100%x / 2
Button11.Right = Button10.Left - gap
Button12.Left = Button10.Right + gap
Button10.Height = Button10.Width
Button11.Height = Button10.Height
Button12.Height = Button10.Height
Button13.Top = Button10.Bottom + gap
Button14.Top = Button13.Top
Button15.Top = Button13.Top
Button13.Width = (100%x - ((n-1)*gap)) / 3
Button14.Width = Button13.Width
Button15.Width = Button13.Width
Button13.HorizontalCenter = 100%x / 2
Button14.Right = Button13.Left - gap
Button15.Left = Button13.Right + gap
Button13.Height = Button13.Width
Button14.Height = Button13.Height
Button15.Height = Button13.Height
Button16.Top = Button13.Bottom + gap
Button17.Top = Button16.Top
Button18.Top = Button16.Top
Button16.Width = (100%x - ((n-1)*gap)) / 3
Button17.Width = Button16.Width
Button18.Width = Button16.Width
Button16.HorizontalCenter = 100%x / 2
Button17.Right = Button16.Left - gap
Button18.Left = Button16.Right + gap
Button16.Height = Button16.Width
Button17.Height = Button16.Height
Button18.Height = Button16.Height
Button19.Top = Button16.Bottom + gap
Button20.Top = Button19.Top
Button21.Top = Button19.Top
Button19.Width = (100%x - ((n-1)*gap)) / 3
Button20.Width = Button19.Width
Button21.Width = Button19.Width
Button19.HorizontalCenter = 100%x / 2
Button20.Right = Button19.Left - gap
Button21.Left = Button19.Right + gap
Button19.Height = Button19.Width
Button20.Height = Button19.Height
Button21.Height = Button19.Height
'All variants script
n = 3
gap = 0dip
margin = 20dip
WIDTH = (100%x - (2*margin) - (n-1)*gap) / 3
CENTER = 100%x / 2
Button1.Width = WIDTH
Button2.Width = WIDTH
Button3.Width = WIDTH
Button4.Width = WIDTH
Button5.Width = WIDTH
Button6.Width = WIDTH
Button7.Width = WIDTH
Button8.Width = WIDTH
Button9.Width = WIDTH
Button10.Width = WIDTH
Button11.Width = WIDTH
Button12.Width = WIDTH
Button13.Width = WIDTH
Button14.Width = WIDTH
Button15.Width = WIDTH
Button16.Width = WIDTH
Button17.Width = WIDTH
Button18.Width = WIDTH
Button19.Width = WIDTH
Button20.Width = WIDTH
Button21.Width = WIDTH
Button1.Height = HEIGHT
Button2.Height = HEIGHT
Button3.Height = HEIGHT
Button4.Height = HEIGHT
Button5.Height = HEIGHT
Button6.Height = HEIGHT
Button7.Height = HEIGHT
Button8.Height = HEIGHT
Button9.Height = HEIGHT
Button10.Height = HEIGHT
Button11.Height = HEIGHT
Button12.Height = HEIGHT
Button13.Height = HEIGHT
Button14.Height = HEIGHT
Button15.Height = HEIGHT
Button16.Height = HEIGHT
Button17.Height = HEIGHT
Button18.Height = HEIGHT
Button19.Height = HEIGHT
Button20.Height = HEIGHT
Button21.Height = HEIGHT
Button1.HorizontalCenter = CENTER
Button2.Right = Button1.Left - gap
Button3.Left = Button1.Right + gap
Button4.HorizontalCenter = CENTER
Button5.Right = Button4.Left - gap
Button6.Left = Button4.Right + gap
Button7.HorizontalCenter = CENTER
Button8.Right = Button7.Left - gap
Button9.Left = Button7.Right + gap
Button10.HorizontalCenter = CENTER
Button11.Right = Button10.Left - gap
Button12.Left = Button10.Right + gap
Button13.HorizontalCenter = CENTER
Button14.Right = Button13.Left - gap
Button15.Left = Button13.Right + gap
Button16.HorizontalCenter = CENTER
Button17.Right = Button16.Left - gap
Button18.Left = Button16.Right + gap
Button19.HorizontalCenter = CENTER
Button20.Right = Button19.Left - gap
Button21.Left = Button19.Right + gap
Button1.Top = margin
Button2.Top = Button1.Top
Button3.Top = Button1.Top
Button4.Top = Button1.Bottom + gap
Button5.Top = Button4.Top
Button6.Top = Button4.Top
Button7.Top = Button4.Bottom + gap
Button8.Top = Button7.Top
Button9.Top = Button7.Top
Button10.Top = Button7.Bottom + gap
Button11.Top = Button10.Top
Button12.Top = Button10.Top
Button13.Top = Button10.Bottom + gap
Button14.Top = Button13.Top
Button15.Top = Button13.Top
Button16.Top = Button13.Bottom + gap
Button17.Top = Button16.Top
Button18.Top = Button16.Top
Button19.Top = Button16.Bottom + gap
Button20.Top = Button19.Top
Button21.Top = Button19.Top
Sub Activity_Create(FirstTime As Boolean)
Dim SV As ScrollView
Activity.AddView(SV, 0, 0, 100%x, 100%y)
Dim margin As Int = 20dip
Dim gap As Int = 0
Dim c As Int = 3
Dim r As Int = 7
SV.Panel.Height = (r*((100%x-(2*margin)-((c-1)*gap))/c)) + (2*margin) + ((r-1)*gap)
End Sub
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