Sub SetTabSize(tp As TabPane, width As Double, height As Double)
Dim jo As JavaObject = tp
jo.RunMethod("setTabMinWidth", Array(width))
jo.RunMethod("setTabMaxWidth", Array(width))
jo.RunMethod("setTabMinHeight", Array(height))
jo.RunMethod("setTabMaxHeight", Array(height))
End Sub
Strangely.. running only setTabMinHeight changes the 1st Tab height only and likewise running only setTabMaxHeight only sets Tab2 height.
Running both , Sets both (All) tabs ?
mangojack, thanks!
I tried this for only one "minimum height" parameter and nothing worked.
As you said, "min-height" and "max-height" should be used together.
You don't need to change the width, because then it won't change depending on the length of the text.
This also works if the following code is specified in the CSS TabPane constructor: