[SOLVED] See attached project files.
PS: Here's the difference between Flood() and Fill(): https://www.diffchecker.com/OO65W6Jm
Initial post:
This question is aimed at @Informatix or anyone who's able to help.
Given a true/false matrix, as shown below, where black is true and transparent is false, I believe I could use a path finding algorithm for simulating "filling the gaps with water", given the entry point shown in red.
The question is, how can we achieve this?
Expected result
'Static code module
Private Sub Process_Globals
Private fx As JFX
Private stack As List
End Sub
Public Sub Initialize
End Sub
Public Sub Fill(value As Int, x As Int, y As Int, grid As Grid)
Dim top = y As Int
Dim matrix(,) = grid.matrix As Int
If value = matrix(x, y) Then Return
Dim x1 As Int
Dim spanAbove, spanBelow As Boolean
stack.Add(Array As Int(x, y))
Dim p() As Int
Do While (stack.Size > 0)
p = stack.Get(stack.Size - 1)
x = p(0) : y = p(1) : stack.RemoveAt(stack.Size - 1)
x1 = x : Do While (x1 >= 0 And matrix(x1, y) == 0) : x1 = x1 - 1 : Loop
x1 = x1 + 1 : spanAbove = False : spanBelow = False
Do While (x1 < grid.sizeX And matrix(x1, y) = 0)
matrix(x1, y) = value
If (spanAbove = False And y > top And matrix(x1, y - 1) = 0) Then
spanAbove = True : stack.Add(Array As Int(x1, y - 1))
Else If (spanAbove = True And y > top And matrix(x1, y - 1) > 0) Then
spanAbove = False
End If
If (spanBelow = False And y < grid.sizeY - 1 And matrix(x1, y + 1) = 0) Then
spanBelow = True : stack.Add(Array As Int(x1, y + 1))
Else If (spanBelow And y < grid.sizeY - 1 And matrix(x1, y + 1) > 0) Then
spanBelow = False
End If
x1 = x1 + 1
End Sub
Public Sub Flood(value As Int, x As Int, y As Int, grid As Grid)
Dim matrix(,) = grid.matrix As Int
If value = matrix(x, y) Then Return
Dim x1 As Int
Dim spanAbove, spanBelow As Boolean
stack.Add(Array As Int(x, y))
Dim p() As Int
Do While (stack.Size > 0)
p = stack.Get(stack.Size - 1)
x = p(0) : y = p(1) : stack.RemoveAt(stack.Size - 1)
x1 = x : Do While (x1 >= 0 And matrix(x1, y) == 0) : x1 = x1 - 1 : Loop
x1 = x1 + 1 : spanAbove = False : spanBelow = False
Do While (x1 < grid.sizeX And matrix(x1, y) = 0)
matrix(x1, y) = value
If (spanAbove = False And y > 0 And matrix(x1, y - 1) = 0) Then
spanAbove = True : stack.Add(Array As Int(x1, y - 1))
Else If (spanAbove = True And y > 0 And matrix(x1, y - 1) > 0) Then
spanAbove = False
End If
If (spanBelow = False And y < grid.sizeY - 1 And matrix(x1, y + 1) = 0) Then
spanBelow = True : stack.Add(Array As Int(x1, y + 1))
Else If (spanBelow And y < grid.sizeY - 1 And matrix(x1, y + 1) > 0) Then
spanBelow = False
End If
x1 = x1 + 1
End Sub
Initial post:
This question is aimed at @Informatix or anyone who's able to help.
Given a true/false matrix, as shown below, where black is true and transparent is false, I believe I could use a path finding algorithm for simulating "filling the gaps with water", given the entry point shown in red.
The question is, how can we achieve this?
Expected result
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