My app displays custom web pages and when I link is clicked I use overrideURL to stop the page from loading then goto another part of the app or get data and process it etc.
I want to execute a link to a resumable sub but then the IDE wants the overrideURL to be a resumable sub instead of boolean which crashes my app
Are both resumable subs
I want to execute a link to a resumable sub but then the IDE wants the overrideURL to be a resumable sub instead of boolean which crashes my app
Are both resumable subs
Sample code:
Private Sub WVCar_OverrideUrl (sentUrl As String) As ResumableSub' Boolean
#if b4i
Dim wv1 As WKWebView
wv1 = Sender
#else if b4a
Dim wv1 As WebView
wv1 = Sender
#End If
Dim find1 As Int
If sentUrl.StartsWith("http://remote") Then
#if b4j
#End If
find1 = sentUrl.LastIndexOf("/")
Dim remotesID As String = sentUrl.SubString(find1 + 1)
If sentUrl.StartsWith("http://remote_a") Then
Else If sentUrl.StartsWith("http://remote_d") Then
else If sentUrl.StartsWith("http://remote_ed") Then
' EditRemoteFeedbackData(remotesID)
End If
End If
Return True
end sub