Android Question [Solved]Why I can't delete image0.jpg from files tab ? (the file is still in files folder)

The xResizeAndCropDemo project is a B4XPages project.
In a B4XPages project the shared files between the platforms, like image files, are saved in the SharedFiles folder of the project.
Each time you run the program, these files are copied into the specific Files folder of the platform.
Therefore, if you want to delete a file you must delete it also in the SharedFiles foler, not only in the platform Files folder.


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The xResizeAndCropDemo project is a B4XPages project.
In a B4XPages project the shared files between the platforms, like image files, are saved in the SharedFiles folder of the project.
Each time you run the program, these files are copied into the specific Files folder of the platform.
Therefore, if you want to delete a file you must delete it also in the SharedFiles foler, not only in the platform Files folder.
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