Android Question [SOLVED] xCustomListView inside TabHost


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Hello everybody.

I try to load a customlistview inside a tab.

Until now I have on my Activity_Create
ItemTab.AddTab("Photos", "PhotoAlbum.bal")
PhotoAlbum.bal is my Panel and on my procedure I have my item.
Sub LoadImagesAndInfos
    Dim P1 As B4XView = xui.CreatePanel("")
    P1.SetLayoutAnimated(100, 0, 0, 260dip, 380dip)
    Label1.Text = ItemMap.Get("Description")
    CustListVw1.Add(P1, "")
End Sub
But all I get is a white panel.
Why that happening?


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I don't know what else to show from my project.
One Activity_Create where I load the tabhost with some tabs and a sub I already post.
I don't have anything else there already.
It is a new app and I try to start from that point cuz I never done before.
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Peter Simpson

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Please create a small example test project and upload it to this thread.
Just a small test project will do if possible. As you already have code there, you should be able to create it with ease (even if it's not working)...
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It is a new app and I try to start from that point cuz I never done before.
What happened Makis. Normally, you follow-up with your threads until you have them resolved. Either you resolved the problem or abandoned the project. Many of us are eager to help. By the way, it is suggested to use TabstripViewPager as opposed to Tabhost as the latter is quire outdated.
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No I have not solve the problem.
But when I create a new project simple without just one layout (Tab1) my customlistview working fine.
When I load some more layout files (Tab1, Tab2, Tab3, Tab4, Tab5) then stop working properly.
I keep looking. That's why I late reply.

I am using TabstripViewPager as you can see on my pic.
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I am using TabstripViewPager as you can see on my pic.
If you are using TabstripViewPager, I don't know why you are using TabhostExtra. I am not familiar with TabHostExtra. Maybe you just have it checked and not using it, As Peter Simpson suggested, it behooves you to export your small project without giving sensitive data, but show some fake data that is showing the problem. Someone will figure it out.
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TabHostExtras I use it in another place of the project.
The point is that it is to hard to upload project as it is not mine!!!!!
I mean I just writing it for behalf of the company I am working.

It is not allowed to sent anything
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It is not aloud to sent anything
You mean 'Allowed' not 'aloud'. It is understandable of course, although I emphasized to put fake data not sensitive real data. But, I can tell you emphatically, xClv works with TabStripViewPager even if you have more that one tab.
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You mean 'Allowed' not 'aloud'. It is understandable of course, although I emphasized to put fake data not sensitive real data. But, I can tell you emphatically, xClv works with TabStripViewPager.
Ooops... yes... 'Allowed' sorry.

Data, everything get from SQL Server and go on... So!!!!

I know that they working and what I do in a new project with only one tab working.
When I add more tabs things get bad.
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I don't believe it.... I find it out.
The problem was font color.
The font had white color and nothing show.
I change it from designer and now everything it is fine.
I can't believe it was something so simple.
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