I am using xui.Msgbox2Async and I have the following question:
How can I know that the user pressed the "X" that is at the top.
Why do I need to know this?
I need to show a message on page 1, and when the user presses "OK" close page 1 and then show page 2
If the user presses "X"
Msgbox_Result returns nothing
Dim respuesta As Object = xui.Msgbox2Async("Text", "Tittle", "Ok", "", "", Null)
Wait For (respuesta) Msgbox_Result (Resultado As Int)
If Resultado = xui.DialogResponse_Positive Then
Log(Resultado) 'Press OK
Else ' If the user presses the X icon, returns nothing
End If
So, I show only the Cancel button with the text "Ok"
If the user presses the "X" icon or the cancel button, in both cases Msgbox_Result will return xui.DialogResponse_Cancel