Some compiler warnings...


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I wish that if it detects ; at the end of the line it will warn me about it... I work a lot also with C# and Delphi (Pascal) and sometimes I add the ; as pure routine.

I would also like to get some kind of warning if I happened to use + instead of &.. now I just stare at the code when I release that the correct character is &...

Otherwise.. great product! Love it! :)


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It would also be nice to have the comiler warn about things like single-character variable names (i, j, k etc) as they don't follow any documented coding conventions.

And, if people want to ignore warnings, they should be able to turn them off.


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2.70 Beta Warning 2

Hi Erel,
I am not sure if this means anything but I have created a method in a class that returns a string.

The variables vStr and vLen are used in the method.
The following code returns a warning 2, "Not all code paths return a value" on the line Sub Adj...
Sub AdjustStringLength(vStr As String, vLen as Int) As String
    Dim retStr As String
    retStr = "abc"
    Return retStr

if I change this to(which I think was my original code):
Sub AdjustStringLength(vStr As String, vLen as Int)
    Dim retStr As String
    retStr = "abc"
    Return retStr
The last line, "Return retStr" has a warning 3, "Return Type(in Sub signature) should be set explicitly." which is what I tried to do in the first section of code.
Kind regards
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Longtime User
Problem solved

Thank's AGraham,
Schoolboy error - had it nested in my outside IF statement. Return MUST BE THE LAST STATEMENT!
Too many early mornings driving past you to customers in Liverpool & a 3 year old girl that doesn't sleep too well!

Thank's Erel,
There is a bug that was actually a Unit test that passed!
I really thought I was onto something and wanted to contribute.
Sorry for wasting your time over this busy period!

Kind regards


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Longtime User
That is not strictly true. As long as all the paths the code could take include a Return you can have multiple Returns embedded in loops and If statements as long as every possibility Returns a value. Mind you it is very common to need a "catch-all" Return at the end of a Sub to complete the requirement for all paths to return a value.


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Longtime User
You are both right, I have used these in the past - I think that is what threw me off.
My error is the If statement I was using (trying to trap errors inside the class):

Sub ..
    If vStr <> Null Then
        Return retStr
    End If
End Sub
This leaves this with the possibility of no value being returned i.e. vStr = Null
Solution (Not open ended):
Sub ..
    If vStr <> Null Then
        retStr = "notNull"
        Return retStr
        retStr = "isNull"
        Return retStr
    End If
End Sub
They say you are never too old to learn!
What a basic mistake!
Anyways, on a lighter note, thank you guys for the "Return statement tutorial".
Keep up the GREAT work!!!
....and I will still try to contribute in some little ways.