I've been looking around to find an answer for this. But with no results. :sign0085:
I took the Bluetooth chat Example from Android's Sample codes
BluetoothChat - Bluetooth Chat | Android Developers
And i've worked around with it but the only thing that I've made proggress is to make the bluetooth device name to be showed like link so users can press on it and check the picture, but its not what i really need.
I'd Love to make it appear the image immediately on the list after the search, which will download over internet connection, but appearing in the app, not opening the browser and then displaying.
The Code that needs modifing is
`public class DeviceListActivity extends Activity {
// Debugging
private static final String TAG = "DeviceListActivity";
private static final boolean D = true;
// Return Intent extra
public static String EXTRA_DEVICE_ADDRESS = "device_address";
// Member fields
private BluetoothAdapter mBtAdapter;
private ArrayAdapter<String> mPairedDevicesArrayAdapter;
private ArrayAdapter<String> mNewDevicesArrayAdapter;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// Setup the window
// Set result CANCELED in case the user backs out
// Initialize the button to perform device discovery
Button scanButton = (Button) findViewById(;
scanButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
// Initialize array adapters. One for already paired devices and
// one for newly discovered devices
mPairedDevicesArrayAdapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(this, R.layout.device_name);
mNewDevicesArrayAdapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(this, R.layout.device_name);
// Find and set up the ListView for paired devices
ListView pairedListView = (ListView) findViewById(;
// Find and set up the ListView for newly discovered devices
ListView newDevicesListView = (ListView) findViewById(;
// Register for broadcasts when a device is discovered
IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter(BluetoothDevice.ACTION_FOUND);
this.registerReceiver(mReceiver, filter);
// Register for broadcasts when discovery has finished
filter = new IntentFilter(BluetoothAdapter.ACTION_DISCOVERY_FINISHED);
this.registerReceiver(mReceiver, filter);
// Get the local Bluetooth adapter
mBtAdapter = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter();
// Get a set of currently paired devices
Set<BluetoothDevice> pairedDevices = mBtAdapter.getBondedDevices();
// If there are paired devices, add each one to the ArrayAdapter
if (pairedDevices.size() > 0) {
for (BluetoothDevice device : pairedDevices) {
mPairedDevicesArrayAdapter.add(device.getName() + "\n" + device.getAddress());
} else {
String noDevices = getResources().getText(R.string.none_paired).toString();
protected void onDestroy() {
// Make sure we're not doing discovery anymore
if (mBtAdapter != null) {
// Unregister broadcast listeners
* Start device discover with the BluetoothAdapter
private void doDiscovery() {
if (D) Log.d(TAG, "doDiscovery()");
// Indicate scanning in the title
// Turn on sub-title for new devices
// If we're already discovering, stop it
if (mBtAdapter.isDiscovering()) {
// Request discover from BluetoothAdapter
// The on-click listener for all devices in the ListViews
private OnItemClickListener mDeviceClickListener = new OnItemClickListener() {
public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> av, View v, int arg2, long arg3) {
// Cancel discovery because it's costly and we're about to connect
// Get the device MAC address, which is the last 17 chars in the View
String info = ((TextView) v).getText().toString();
String address = info.substring(info.length() - 17);
// Create the result Intent and include the MAC address
Intent intent = new Intent();
intent.putExtra(EXTRA_DEVICE_ADDRESS, address);
// Set result and finish this Activity
setResult(Activity.RESULT_OK, intent);
// The BroadcastReceiver that listens for discovered devices and
// changes the title when discovery is finished
private final BroadcastReceiver mReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
String action = intent.getAction();
// When discovery finds a device
if (BluetoothDevice.ACTION_FOUND.equals(action)) {
// Get the BluetoothDevice object from the Intent
BluetoothDevice device = intent.getParcelableExtra(BluetoothDevice.EXTRA_DEVICE);
// If it's already paired, skip it, because it's been listed already
if (device.getBondState() != BluetoothDevice.BOND_BONDED) {
mNewDevicesArrayAdapter.add(device.getName() + "\n" + device.getAddress());
// When discovery is finished, change the Activity title
} else if (BluetoothAdapter.ACTION_DISCOVERY_FINISHED.equals(action)) {
if (mNewDevicesArrayAdapter.getCount() == 0) {
String noDevices = getResources().getText(R.string.none_found).toString();
I've been looking around to find an answer for this. But with no results. :sign0085:
I took the Bluetooth chat Example from Android's Sample codes
BluetoothChat - Bluetooth Chat | Android Developers
And i've worked around with it but the only thing that I've made proggress is to make the bluetooth device name to be showed like link so users can press on it and check the picture, but its not what i really need.
I'd Love to make it appear the image immediately on the list after the search, which will download over internet connection, but appearing in the app, not opening the browser and then displaying.
The Code that needs modifing is
`public class DeviceListActivity extends Activity {
// Debugging
private static final String TAG = "DeviceListActivity";
private static final boolean D = true;
// Return Intent extra
public static String EXTRA_DEVICE_ADDRESS = "device_address";
// Member fields
private BluetoothAdapter mBtAdapter;
private ArrayAdapter<String> mPairedDevicesArrayAdapter;
private ArrayAdapter<String> mNewDevicesArrayAdapter;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// Setup the window
// Set result CANCELED in case the user backs out
// Initialize the button to perform device discovery
Button scanButton = (Button) findViewById(;
scanButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
// Initialize array adapters. One for already paired devices and
// one for newly discovered devices
mPairedDevicesArrayAdapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(this, R.layout.device_name);
mNewDevicesArrayAdapter = new ArrayAdapter<String>(this, R.layout.device_name);
// Find and set up the ListView for paired devices
ListView pairedListView = (ListView) findViewById(;
// Find and set up the ListView for newly discovered devices
ListView newDevicesListView = (ListView) findViewById(;
// Register for broadcasts when a device is discovered
IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter(BluetoothDevice.ACTION_FOUND);
this.registerReceiver(mReceiver, filter);
// Register for broadcasts when discovery has finished
filter = new IntentFilter(BluetoothAdapter.ACTION_DISCOVERY_FINISHED);
this.registerReceiver(mReceiver, filter);
// Get the local Bluetooth adapter
mBtAdapter = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter();
// Get a set of currently paired devices
Set<BluetoothDevice> pairedDevices = mBtAdapter.getBondedDevices();
// If there are paired devices, add each one to the ArrayAdapter
if (pairedDevices.size() > 0) {
for (BluetoothDevice device : pairedDevices) {
mPairedDevicesArrayAdapter.add(device.getName() + "\n" + device.getAddress());
} else {
String noDevices = getResources().getText(R.string.none_paired).toString();
protected void onDestroy() {
// Make sure we're not doing discovery anymore
if (mBtAdapter != null) {
// Unregister broadcast listeners
* Start device discover with the BluetoothAdapter
private void doDiscovery() {
if (D) Log.d(TAG, "doDiscovery()");
// Indicate scanning in the title
// Turn on sub-title for new devices
// If we're already discovering, stop it
if (mBtAdapter.isDiscovering()) {
// Request discover from BluetoothAdapter
// The on-click listener for all devices in the ListViews
private OnItemClickListener mDeviceClickListener = new OnItemClickListener() {
public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> av, View v, int arg2, long arg3) {
// Cancel discovery because it's costly and we're about to connect
// Get the device MAC address, which is the last 17 chars in the View
String info = ((TextView) v).getText().toString();
String address = info.substring(info.length() - 17);
// Create the result Intent and include the MAC address
Intent intent = new Intent();
intent.putExtra(EXTRA_DEVICE_ADDRESS, address);
// Set result and finish this Activity
setResult(Activity.RESULT_OK, intent);
// The BroadcastReceiver that listens for discovered devices and
// changes the title when discovery is finished
private final BroadcastReceiver mReceiver = new BroadcastReceiver() {
public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
String action = intent.getAction();
// When discovery finds a device
if (BluetoothDevice.ACTION_FOUND.equals(action)) {
// Get the BluetoothDevice object from the Intent
BluetoothDevice device = intent.getParcelableExtra(BluetoothDevice.EXTRA_DEVICE);
// If it's already paired, skip it, because it's been listed already
if (device.getBondState() != BluetoothDevice.BOND_BONDED) {
mNewDevicesArrayAdapter.add(device.getName() + "\n" + device.getAddress());
// When discovery is finished, change the Activity title
} else if (BluetoothAdapter.ACTION_DISCOVERY_FINISHED.equals(action)) {
if (mNewDevicesArrayAdapter.getCount() == 0) {
String noDevices = getResources().getText(R.string.none_found).toString();