I have a TreeTableView that has 1 column (but the column is actually a Label so the default sorting isn't working properly)
Is there a way I can trap the column header click and sort this manually?
Also I have (I guess it is a hidden column, can I sort on that)
When I create my TreeTableItem in the column array the first entry is the Label (that displays) and the second entry is just the data (but there is no actual column displayed to the user - ONLY 1 column created with designer)
Is there a way I can Sort on the hidden column (data)?
Dumping the Children list it says:
What are the field names in TreeTableColType (types have fields that can be sorted on?)
Is there a way I can trap the column header click and sort this manually?
Also I have (I guess it is a hidden column, can I sort on that)
When I create my TreeTableItem in the column array the first entry is the Label (that displays) and the second entry is just the data (but there is no actual column displayed to the user - ONLY 1 column created with designer)
Dim Item as TreeTableItem
Item.Initialize("", Array As Object(CreateTextLabel("Hi There"), "Hi There") ' <---- Second "Hi There" is just a string that doesn't show because I only want 1 column to show
Is there a way I can Sort on the hidden column (data)?
Dumping the Children list it says:
Entry:0 Data:TreeItem [ value: [Lanywheresoftware.b4j.objects.TreeTableViewWrapper$TreeTableColType;@565017ea ]
What are the field names in TreeTableColType (types have fields that can be sorted on?)
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