import anywheresoftware.b4a.AbsObjectWrapper;
import anywheresoftware.b4a.BA;
import anywheresoftware.b4a.BA.ShortName;
* SoundPool holds a collection of short sounds which can be played with low latency.
*Each sound has two Id values which you should work with. The first is the LoadId which is returned when loading the sound with Load.
*The second is the PlayId which is returned when you call Play.
*When working with SoundPool it is useful to watch the unfiltered LogCat for messages (for example when the sound is too long).
public class SoundPoolWrapper extends AbsObjectWrapper<SoundPool>{
* Initializes the SoundPool and sets the maximum number of simultaneous streams.
public void Initialize(int MaxStreams) {
setObject(new SoundPool(MaxStreams, AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC, 0));
* Loads a sound file and returns the sound LoadId.
*Dim LoadId As Int
*LoadId = SP.Load(File.DirAssets, "sound.wav")</code>
public int Load(String Dir, String File) throws IOException {
if (Dir.equals(anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.streams.File.getDirAssets())) {
return getObject().load(BA.applicationContext.getAssets().openFd(File.toLowerCase(BA.cul)), 1);
else {
return getObject().load(anywheresoftware.b4a.objects.streams.File.Combine(Dir, File), 1);
* Plays the sound with the matching LoadId and returns the PlayId. Returns 0 if there was an error.
*LoadId - The value returned when loading the file.
*LeftVolume / RightVolume - The volume value (0 - 1)
*Priority - A priority value which you assign to this sound. The higher the value the higher the priority.
*When the number of simultaneous streams is higher than the value set in Initialize the lowest priority stream will be stopped.
*Loop - Number of times to repeat. Pass -1 to repeat indefinitely.
*Rate - Playback rate (0 - 2).
public int Play(int LoadId, float LeftVolume, float RightVolume, int Priority, int Loop, float Rate) {
return getObject().play(LoadId, LeftVolume, RightVolume, Priority, Loop, Rate);
* Pauses the stream with the given PlayId.
public void Pause(int PlayId) {
* Resumes the stream with the given PlayId.
public void Resume(int PlayId) {
* Stops the stream with the given PlayId.
public void Stop(int PlayId) {
* Sets the volume of the stream with the given PlayId. Values are between 0 to 1.
public void SetVolume(int PlayId, float Left, float Right) {
getObject().setVolume(PlayId, Left, Right);
* Unloads the stream with the given LoadId.
public void Unload(int LoadId) {
* Sets the rate of the stream with the given PlayId. Value is between 0 to 2.
public void SetRate(int PlayId, float Rate) {
getObject().setRate(PlayId, Rate);
* Releases all resources allocated to this object.
public void Release() {