B4A Library Spatialite


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Spatialite support for x86 based devices

Spatialite contains C libraries that enable it to work on devices with either ARM or x86 CPUs.

If you open Spatialite.jar and look in it's lib folder you'll see these C libraries.
There's libraries for older and newer ARM CPUs and a library for x86 CPUs.
The x86 library is a massive 7.3MBs in size.

As an experiment i compiled a b4a project both with and without x86 support.

By not supporting x86 CPUs the compiled APK was over 2MBs smaller.
The 7.3MB x86 library file size (once compressed and compiled into the APK) is over 2MBs.

So i'm posting this as a 'for your information'.
If you do not need to support android devices with x86 CPUs then you might want to remove that support and reduce your APK size:
  • Rename Spatialite.jar to Spatialite.zip
  • Open Spatialite.zip using WinZIP etc
  • Delete the folder x86 located in the lib folder
  • Close Spatialite.zip
  • Rename Spatialite.zip back to Spatialite.jar
If you have the b4a IDE running be sure to right click the library pane and click 'refresh'.



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I consider http://www.gaia-gis.it/gaia-sins/spatialite-sql-4.1.0.html and now I understand a little more about " ST_Within ( MakePoint ( ? ? ) " , however you Might I help with show as in SpatiaLite lib - b4a :

1. i need search for the minimum distance of a given point (eg: gps ) , some geometries of points and as stated in b4a
2 . the search for the minimum distance of a given point (eg: GPS ) , a few lines and geometries as stated in b4a
3. the search for the minimum distance of a given line (eg: gps ) , some geometries lineasy as stated in b4a
4 . the search for the minimum distance of a given point buffer , some geometries and Points as stated in b4a
5 . the search for the minimum distance of a given line buffer , to a point geometries as stated in b4a
Most particularly I ask for your valuable help to find ways to draw my polygons is an overlay osm , I made a great study of the osm threads and SpatiaLite and one I do not understand very well and need get the lat -log coordinate of each point of my polygons ,
thanks .

Gabriel Conti

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Hola Martin, excelente trabajo, trabajo en GIS hace muchos años y justamente estoy tratando de realizar aplicaciones móviles. Tu publicación me viene excelente.
Estaré investigando tu trabajo.
Y trataré de realizar aportes

Hi Martin, great job, working in GIS for many years and I am just trying to make mobile applications. Your post comes excellent.
I will be researching your work.
And I try to make contributions

Gabriel Conti

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Peter, también es un excelente aporte lo tuyo
Realicé el mismo trabajo pero con un web service a un postgis en un servidor con ip fija. No conocia esta base de datos spatial lite.

English by google

Peter is also a contribution execlente yours
I performed the same job but with a web service to a postgis on a server with fixed ip. Did not know this spatial data base lite.
Thank you!


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I was recently asked (by @PABLO2013) how to select polygon points from a spatialite table.
Using the existing spatialite library it seemed as though creating a query using AsText on the geometry column was the only solution.
That returns the geometry as a string to b4a and that string requires parsing to extract the required info.

The b4a code to parse that string needed to be able to handle simple polygons, complex multi polygons, polygons with inner rings etc.
Not a straightforward task.

So i wrapped a small part of the Vivid Solutions JTS Topology Suite library.
The parts i wrapped were mainly the WKBReader and WKTReader classes - and the classes required in order to work with WTBReader and WKTReader.

Now i can select a geometry using AsBinary and pass each row of the resultset to the JTS WTBReader's Read method.
The Read method accepts an array of Bytes - AsBinary selects the geometry as an array of Bytes.
The Read method returns a Geometry object.

The Geomtery object makes it easy to work with complex geometries such as multi polygons - no more hit and miss parsing of strings.

I've uploaded a reference document for my partial implementation of the JTS Topology Suite to here: http://b4a.martinpearman.co.uk/jts/JTS.html.

If there's any interest from forum members i'll upload my JTS library and an example project.



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Any way for this to be wrapped into sqlcipher as well?

Not unless you have a good knowledge of the android NDK, C and probably many other things too!
Have a look at this Google search.

See there's been more than one attempt to combine spatialite and sqlcipher?
The first result i see is: https://github.com/illarionov/android-sqlcipher-spatialite.

If you want both spatialite and sqlcipher you'll need to create an entire new library wrapping an android library such as the one above.

Whether or not these libraries that have already combined spatialite and sqlcipher have the same syntax as the library that my b4a library uses i don't know - it could be similar or completely different.


Gabriel Conti

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Hola Martin, te consulto, con la librería JTS me mencionaste anteriormente, utilizando el método contains, puedo saber si una coordenada obtenida con el gps está incluida dentro de una geometría X que se encuentre en una base de datos spatialite? Podrias subir el proyecto ejemplo con JTS. Muchas gracias.

Como siempre, en ingles gracias al traductor de Google.

Hi Martin, i consult with JTS library that mentioned above, using the contains method, i can know if a coordinate obtained with the gps is included within a geometry X that is in a data base SpatiaLite? Could you upload the sample project with JTS.
Thank you very much.
As always in english thanks to google translator.


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If you have a database containing Geometry types such as Polygon and you want to find any Polygon that contains a Point then you ought to look at the CountryFinder demo in post #2.
That shows how to query the database for Polygons that contain a Point.

Using JTS is also possible but is a two step solution, the CountryFinder requires just one step.
If you use JTS you'd first have to select all Polygons from your database, then iterate through them using the Geomtry Contains method to establish whether each Polygon contains a Point.

Anyway you're welcome to take a look at the JTS library and a simple demo project.
The demo project uses the same database as the CountryFinder demo in post #2.
It gets all available countries from the database and populates a Spinner with the country names.
Select a country from the Spinner and the demo selects that country's Geometry from the database.
The Geometry could be a simple Polygon or a complex Polygon with inner rings etc.
The demo logs how many Polygons exist in the Geometry and then iterates through each Polygon logging the latitude and longitude of each of it's Points.
(Select United Kingdom from the Spinner to see a Geometry that contains more than one Polygon).

JTS library files and demo project attached.



  • JTS_library_files_20140428.zip
    439.9 KB · Views: 402
  • PolygonsFromSpatialite-20140428.zip
    273.2 KB · Views: 387

Gabriel Conti

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Martin, thank you very much, as always very clear reply, I will be studying the issue. thanks


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tks , jts library JTS_GeometryFactory no found:
  • CreatePoint (Coordinate1 Como Coordinate ) Como Point
  • Inicialice (SRID Como Int )
  • IsInitialized Como Boolean


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GeometryFactory1.Initialize (Unknown member ???????)

Point1=GeometryFactory1.CreatePoint(Coordinate1) (Unknown member ???????)


in your sample "PolygonsFromSpatialite" you used , GeometryFactory1 and members (CreatePoint,Initialize) but i cannot used it, tks


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greetings martin
solved it with your help, I reinstalled the jts library and now everything works fine, thanks.

see that jts (GeometryFactory1.CreatePoint) creates a point, but as a polygon or a line or multiline is created.

advance .thanks
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