Android Question speakerphone


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There is a possibility along with a library AudioStreamer to use the API function speakerphone, excluding the effect of the positive feedback, as is done in telephone with speakerphone?


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Interesting. You can add this effect with this code (depends on Reflection and JavaObject libraries):
Sub SetEchoCanceler
   Dim echo As JavaObject
   echo.InitializeStatic("android/media/audiofx/AcousticEchoCanceler".Replace("/", "."))
   If echo.RunMethod("isAvailable", Null) = True Then
     Dim r As Reflector
     r.Target = streamer
     Dim AudioRecord As JavaObject = r.GetField("audioRecord")
     echo.RunMethod("create", Array(AudioRecord.RunMethod("getAudioSessionId", Null)))
     Log("echo set")
     Log("Echo not available")
   End If
End Sub
Call it after you initialize the streamer.
Set the minSdkVersion to 16 (Android 4.1).
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