Speed and Frequency problem with Hekkus


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Longtime User
I have been playing with Hekkus library using the wrapper but I have not gotten success changing speed either frequency parameters.

I have done a pure tone of 1kHz and another with 150Hz to test effects modifiying both parameters.

Results are these:

With speed from 128 to 190 frequency of the pure tone increase OK but with 191 the frequency goes down, more than the original tone.

With frequency happens the same, for example with 65530 value sound is ok but with 65540 it sounds very slow, slower than the original.

Hekkus doc and test programs says:

'All the two functions change the frequency of the Channel (remember that As a convention all Mod are played at 44100hz), the speed function let you change the frequency without worring about the actual frequency of the sample OR Mod, it is based on a simple equation:
'newfrequency = channelfrequency*speed/128
'so For example
'speed = 0 -> frequency 0
'speed = 64 -> frequency/2
'speed = 128 -> restore normal frequency
'speed = 255 -> frequency*2
'speed = 512 -> frequency*4
'AND so on.

any idea what is happening? if am I doing something wrong, is there a bug in the wrapper or in the library.

Thanks in advance.


Active Member
Licensed User
Hi, I don't know the Hekkus library but maybe the problem come from your device, some frequency may don't be run on your device... (With your CPU)
I'm not really sure I never used this library...
Sorry if it doesn't help you...


Licensed User
Longtime User
Thanks sitajony! but I have tested in my notebook, not yet in my device, anyway I will test in another computer/device to check completely this possibility.

Perhaps the problem comes from the wrapper in the data conversion though limits are strange values.
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