Android Question Spinner, can choices be text wrapped? (B4A)

Todd Carlton

Licensed User
Longtime User
Hello Community.

I'm on my first week of programming B4A (3.82) with only some mid-weight Visual Basic (VS2008) to back me up. I'm trying to convert one of my VS programs into a B4A app to learn the ropes.

Right now I'm stuck on a basic spinner. I have a list of 60 add's and based upon my view, some take up only one line of text and a couple take up a variable number of lines... up to 7 lines. Shrinking the text would make it unreadable. Is there a reference to study (or an easy answer) for how to make text wrap in spinner options and without modifying the text size?

I was unable to find the answer searching the forums, which have been by far the most help.

Thank you for any assistance or direction.
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