My app includes a spinner and drops down a table of numbers from 5 to 100 in 5 increments (5,10,15 etc).
I have tested it on a galaxy - Ace, S4 and 7" tablet and on the latter the width is fine but on the Ace the spinner format is very wide and like and input list with a 'radio' selection item. When first populate with the numbers the 100 is clearly seen but on the ACE is is blank because it is too narrow.
The problem is have is limited screen width. On the latter two the spinner nicely shows '100' but on the ACE the width being '11%x' is too narrow and i need 25%x....
Is there a way to narrow this so it works on all devices?
Thanks well i looked at the tutorial and played around with the scripts. And yes I see it works....but what I don't understand is the point of having both options
What advantage or disadvantage is there over using activity.addview(button1 , x% , y%, x%, y%) as opposed to the script button1.settopandbottom and button1.setleftandright....they seem to do the same things?
If you are creating your layout with the designer then it is better to use the script option as it allows you to immediately see the results (and test them with the UI Cloud).
In some cases you must set the layout by code. For example with dynamic layouts.