Android Question Spinners The Basics


New Member
I openly admit I am a novice so please keep responses as simple as possible! I am just starting out with B4A so appreciate any help you guys can offer. Anyway I am trying to add a spinner to my app. I have added it in the designer and I have generated the relevant code (declaring the spinner and giving the sub routine for the item click) however I am not really sure what to do now. I looked up the code online of how to add items to the spinner so I added the following to the sub routine for item click

sp.AddAll (Array As String("Mr", "Mrs", "Miss", "Ms"))

After this I am not sure what to do. Logic suggest the spinner needs to be initialized but again I am unsure of how to do this. As I say I am new and a novice so any help is greatly appreciated.


New Member
Thanks for explaining, however when I run my app the spinner does not open when clicked so I am obviously missing some code. But I am not sure what code I need?
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