Hi everyone,
I'm facing with the following situation:
i have 2 test environment; 1 - Samsung A71 - Android 13 and Xiomi Mi6 with Android 9.
if a run the app on Samsung is working on Xiomi I get an SQL error
Can anybody advice me what shod i do or try ?
Thank you.
I'm facing with the following situation:
i have 2 test environment; 1 - Samsung A71 - Android 13 and Xiomi Mi6 with Android 9.
if a run the app on Samsung is working on Xiomi I get an SQL error
pg_sell_new_load_items (java line: 674)
android.database.sqlite.SQLiteException: no such table: tbl_items (code 1 SQLITE_ERROR): , while compiling: Select * FROM tbl_items WHERE Activ=1 order by Nume ASC
Thank you.
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